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Fri Aug 05, 2005, 06:15 PM
Are discus affected by the parasite that causes neon tetra disease?

I am scheduled to pick up 5 discus for a 75 gallon tank next week. I noticed a white lumpy spot on one of my neon tetras (over the blue stripe). I immediately quarantined it, and am somewhat worried that it has neon tetra disease, although it didn't exhibit any of the behavioral symptoms -- it was schooling, didn't have any difficulty swimming, etc. It still does act sick in the quarantine tank (although, being alone, it is less active).

Anyway, should I postpone the appointment for the discus?


Sat Aug 06, 2005, 01:36 PM
According to this article, neon tetra disease has some fairly distinct symptoms. One of them being the loss of the red colouration in the fish.


Neon tetra disease (bacterial disease - gram negative)
DISEASE Neon tetra disease - caused by the microsporidian parasite Pleistophora.
SYMPTOMS Neon Tetra, (and rarely other tetras, zebra danio and some barbs) begin to lose normal brilliant, sharply demarked coloration - especially the red stripe; respiratory rate increases to 100 + GB / min. (gill beats per minute). Other symptoms include unusual swimming behavior, spinal curvature, emaciation and finrot.
TREATMENT No treatment has been completely effective. Some success has been achieved using furazolidone (50-75 mg/Kg fish, with food, each day for 7-10 days). Change 25% - 33% of aquarium water. Since this medication may just control the outbreak of secondary infections rather than acting directly on Pleistophora you should always isolate fish that have shown the symptoms and treat them separately. Fish that recover may still host the parasite. Avoid cannibalism of dead fish.
PREVENTION Improve aquarium hygiene and or filtration. Improve feeding regime. Never buy these species if not fully quarantined - use an antiparasitic aquarium remedy while in quarantine.