View Full Version : filtration question

Tue Aug 02, 2005, 11:45 PM
Hey all, i am currently running 2 waterfall filters and a 90mm x 90mm x 180mm sponge filter in my 6x2x2.

Because the sponge has a lot of darker material in it I was wondering how much water might be needed to change each day if i remove the sponge filter.

it's lightly planted (in pots), has 6 discus in it of varying sizes and i currently change about 75ltrs per day. it kinda suggests to me that i really don't need the sponge filter in there because of the volume of water changed.

interested in peoples opinion, even if it's to say way to little filtration already (yeah i know i am working on a sump for the entire fish-house)


Wed Aug 03, 2005, 07:08 AM
I would say it wouldnt make a diffference if u removed the sponge filter...But it depends on the amount of water that is filtered an hour by ur waterfall filters....im guessing u would need aleast a filter system that filters say 1500L an hour on a 6ft tank... i have a 1500L an hour cannister filter on my 4ft tank.....can someone else put there input into this plz
