View Full Version : has any one heard of this
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 08:16 AM
Someone I know takes the young away from the parents and handrears them. He has a wonderful sucess rate using (I've forgotton the name) a kind of bacteria. Heres what he does, takes half a cabbage and bruises the leafs puts in a bucket and pours boiling water over the leaves. Then he puts the bucket outside and waits. Firstly it will go all slimy and smell horrid, stir it every day, eventually the water will go clear and nice smelling. It is now ready to harvest, some kind of bacteria are in the water which are suitable to feed to tiny fry. he just takes some water and adds to the fry tank twice a day. Thats all there is to it. Because these bacteria live in fresh water they dont die when added to the fry tank and so dont fowl the water, meaning the fry have food avaliable all the time. After ten days they go on to normal food. He floats the fry in the parents water in containers with tiny hole in, so the water is being refreshed all the time. Hey the way I figure it is worth a go. I maybe lose 1 in three lots of fry due to parents eating them.
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 09:03 AM
Hi Kaza
Infusoria is probably the word you're looking for. To produce it in smaller amounts, place some aquarium water in a jar and add some vegetable matter (eg. lettuce) and leave in a warm spot. After a day or so the water will turn cloudy, indicating it is full of infusoria. Lovely fry food.
Fred :wink:
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 09:25 AM
have you tried it on tiny fry Fred, eg 1 or 2 days free swimming?
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 11:35 AM
Haven't tried it on discus, but it seems to work for most everything else. Very small fry like, say, white clouds (which are almost invisible on hatching) thrive on it.
Infusoria is abundant in natural ponds and would probably provide the first meal for most egg-layers.
Sat Jul 23, 2005, 04:49 AM
If you have java moss in a breeding or growout tank or any tank for that matter Infusoria will always be present.
Sat Jul 23, 2005, 05:25 AM
stir a boiled egg yolk in a water sprayer and then feed them by spaying ,I reckon that is an easier way.
Sat Jul 23, 2005, 10:11 AM
Infusoria are present in any established aquarium, especially a planted tank. You may have seen fry picking at your sponge filter - they're eating infusoria. However there would not be enough to support a batch of fry.
The term 'infusoria' is generally used in reference to a range of microscopic aquatic organisms which feed on bacteria arising from decaying organic matter. The cloudy water effect in jar cultures indicates a bacterial bloom, which means lots of food for infusoria. The water clears when the infusoria population is large enough to gobble up the available bacteria. You need to keep a few jars so that you can rotate as the bacteria dies off.
The beauty of infusoria is that it consists of living, moving creatures that grab the attention of fussy eaters.
Egg yolk is also a popular fry starter and is often used along with infusoria, and later on BBS, newly hatched mosquito larvae etc.
Variety is a good thing.
Sat Jul 23, 2005, 10:41 AM
I am all for the easiest way of doing things, this same breeder also uses a good quality fry food, not sure what it is but I am going to see him next week. So hope to pick his brains.
Sat Jul 23, 2005, 04:02 PM
We'd all be happy to know what he uses Kaza. Thanks for the information.
jim from sydney
Sun Jul 24, 2005, 10:32 AM
Let us know Kaza......i have used this method in a non-discus tank with new borns.......makes the water pretty cloudy sometimes as does egg yolk...but both are good for the young
Tue Jul 26, 2005, 06:55 AM
There are many commercial fish farmers using egg yolk with water sprayer ,they found which is a faster and simple way of feeding fries.unlike infusoria you need times to culture and harvest them.
Tue Jul 26, 2005, 11:16 AM
Kaza I was just wondering who you were referring to if it was Phil and Rodney? If it was good mates with them and they feed fine hermit crab food but that is not their first food by any means they have been with the parents for several weeks.
If it was not them then that is a fry food which can be used with success however it must all be eaten it fouls the water.
Tue Jul 26, 2005, 11:17 AM
Kaza I was just wondering who you were referring to if it was Phil and Rodney? If it was good mates with them and they feed fine hermit crab food but that is not their first food by any means they have been with the parents for several weeks.
If it was not them then that is a fry food which can be used with success however it must all be eaten it fouls the water.
Sat Jul 30, 2005, 09:52 AM
No it was'nt Phil or Rodney, Its a breeder in Port Elliot he tells me he rarely lets discus rear their own fry as they make bad parents. I have to agree in most cases especially light coloured fish. What interests me is he rears nearly all of his fry, so overall loses are low. At the moment I lose at least 1/3 of my fry as soon as they free swim, as parents eat them. Anyway I am going to see him tomorrow so should know more then.
Fri Aug 05, 2005, 07:08 AM
Hi Kaza
What was the outcome from your meeting ?
Fri Aug 05, 2005, 11:33 AM
That has sort of put me off discus from ******** discus now. The only reason making discus worse parents are that people have hand reared them. We do not want them to become angelfish now.
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