View Full Version : HELP! Discus dying upon return from vacation!
Thu Jul 21, 2005, 10:22 PM
Most likely due to lack of water changes and over feeding I have 7 sick discus. I had 8 but one just died.
I have them all isolated in a 28gal sick tank at 92F with a 2tbls salt to 10 gal. I also tried clout. Two are still struggling to breath and are going to the surface. Any and all help is appreciated.
Thanks, Betsy
Thu Jul 21, 2005, 11:27 PM
Hi Betsy
I am sorry for your loss and your sick discus. To me what you’ve done is what I would do too.
I have them all isolated in a 28gal sick tank at 92F with a 2tbls salt to 10 gal. I also tried clout.
What I would do next is keep doing water change daily say 30% and put 2 air stones and keep an eye on those two.
And if you could provide us what the condition of the tank was (not the sick tank) such as PH, ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate etc …and I am sure of that Ladyred will give you accurate advice. HTH
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 12:06 AM
I feel so helpless - I have Furan being shipped in tomorrow - and I added a little discus ph buffer to help with the shock of being in the hospital tank. The 90 gal that they were in is a planted tank so I have done a 50% water change (there was one dead and one dying khuli loach ) and I will continue to do so every other day for a week or so while the discus (hopefully ) recover in the hospital tank. This really stinks.
I will test the water and give you more info - but I need to put my three kids to bed first.
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 12:54 AM
Hi Betsy
I understand how exactly you are feeling now, that is what we all are here for.
According to what you said (stink smell, overfeeding ...) I think they have suffered from Ammonia IMO.
Ok Would you give us as much information as you can like I mentioned earlier plus how the died fish looked when it died, dark colour? Etc …and how the rest are now? Are they eating anything? Active? Etc ..
With the Furan II I believe it is for external infection like gill and fin rot.
I am sure many experts here will help you out.
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 03:04 AM
The two that died were light in color but still colorful - they all seem to have darker heads and mucusey stuff coming from their gills. The dark head lighter body thing is new to me. They two that died struggled to breathe at the surface but then sank layed on their side and stopped breathing. Even as I took them to the waste can I marveled at what an incredible fish a full grown discus is - I guess I'm just trying to make lemonade out of some pretty SUCKY lemons.
They rest look like they'll make it through the night - the hospital tank has no amonia - I'm sure I'll be up once or twice to see if my they are OK.
Thank you for your kind words - they made a difficult evening bearable.
Betsy :oops:
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 08:33 AM
Hi Betsy, sad introduction to the forum. How are your other fish now.
Sounds like you had a case of ammonia poisoning from the excess rotting food and the dead fish. Did you have someone feeding the fish while you were away?
Moving them into another tank with salt is the correct thing to do, but as ammonia destroys gill tissue, the fish may still be finding it difficult to breath. Keep changing the water in that hospital tank at least twice a day, and you also need at least two airstones in there to provide enough circulation and keep the water saturated with oxygen.
The only thing you can do now is wait. Some of the fish may be so damaged that they will not survive. The survivors will remain delicate, and in need of good care for the rest of their lives.
When your ammonia reading in the main tank returns to zero, you will know your bio filter has dealt with all the ammonia, and you can put the surviving fish back in the main tank.
For the next couple of weeks, do a daily Ammonia reading to be sure the filter is still coping. These surviving fish will not be able to tolerate any rise in ammonia in their tank. At the first sign of an increase in ammonia, do an immediate water change.
Good luck, and keep us posted.
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 02:41 PM
Thanks again for the support.
My 90gal had no amonia, moderate level of nitrate, but very LOW ph - about 5.9-6.0.
The hospital tanks ph is at 6.5 but may have been higher when I ut all the sick fish in. That may have pushed the sick ones over the edge. I'll gradually try to bring the two Ph's on par with each other.
I think I still want to treat with the Furan - what do you think?
Fri Jul 22, 2005, 11:09 PM
I'd be concerned about treating with anything at this stage. If Furan is for treating gill flukes, then that's going to be an irritant on already damaged gills. I'd wait at least a couple of weeks before treating with anything other than a weak salt solution.
Hope they're looking better now.
Sat Jul 23, 2005, 12:49 PM
It looks like I have only lost two - I'm sure ph shock had alot to do with finishing them off. I did try the Bifuran once but I think I'll just stick to the water changes an salt for now.
Sat Jul 23, 2005, 01:34 PM
Hi Betsy
Very happy to hear that. Please keep us updated.
I'll just stick to the water changes an salt for now. that is very good idea IMO.
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