View Full Version : Discus Suddenly Stopped Eatting!
Mon Jul 18, 2005, 02:44 AM
Ok, my Discus has just stopped eatting, and hasnt eatten anything in about 2 or 3 days... not even their favorite brine shrimp!... and is hidding ALOT now... the other two are fine... they are smaller, I have a PB, Cobalt and a Neon purple... the Neon Purple is the oldest and thats the one that has suddenly gone off eatting!... Im worried... please help me find out whats going on with him!!!!
Mon Jul 18, 2005, 03:28 AM
We could use a few more pieces of info, before making a diagnosis...
Plz can you obtain readings of ammonia nitrate nitrite ph maybe gh and kh (i dont think they would be as important)
Any other symptoms that you can see?
How is its colouration? Any strange faeces? Is it being bullied?(i doubt it would be as its the largest)...
What is the temp of your tank at?
Best of luck,
Mon Jul 18, 2005, 03:52 AM
Hey, ok... No its not being bullied... at all, and the Temp of the tank is from 82*F to 84*F or 28*F to 29*F
symptoms are just not eatting, coloration is perfect, Poo is still the same as it was, depending on what they eat it can range anywhere from red to brown to white, no its not slimy or mucusy, just normal well formed poop....
I just did an 80% waterchange today to help... everything to my knowledge is at 0 except Nitrates which where 10ppm...
Kh and Gh, I cant get to you, I do not have a test kit for them, but my tap water usually runs like 7*DKH and I do not know Gh, but the other fish are fine.. thats what I cant figure out!
Mon Jul 18, 2005, 08:11 AM
Shawn, it's going to be a 'wait and see' game now
There is obviously something going on, but I don't seen enough symptoms to give me an indication of just what that might be.
It's possible that the fish is simply suffering from a digestive upset, but it could be just about anything.
Keep watching and let us know if you see any other symptoms.
Mon Jul 18, 2005, 11:46 PM
Well went and tested my water today for pH, Nitrates, Nitrites and Ammonia... all are 0.. well.. except pH.. lol, its good (6.4ish) so I know its not a water quality issue... also, I just noticed nim pooping.. its white and mucusy... just what I was afraid of...!!!! :(*
what is this???? what do I need to do! :(
Tue Jul 19, 2005, 03:32 AM
Shawnts I would set up your hospital tank and start dosing with Metro if I were you, asap.
Tue Jul 19, 2005, 11:57 AM
Shawn, don't panic, but the fish needs to be treated with an antibiotic as soon as possible. The disease is commonly known as Hexemita.
Your fish is showing early stages of the disease. Treatment is quite effective at this stage.
It can be transmitted to your other fish, possibly thru contaminated droppings, although little scientific work has been done in this area. It is believed that the pathogen responsible for Hole in the Head (also known by a variety of other names such as Hex, head and lateral line erosion and wasting disease) is Spironucleus Vortens.
An infected fish may show one or several of the following symptoms:-
Skin lesions around the head area.
Turning dark.
Refusing to eat.
White jelly like droppings.
Muscle wasting and pinched appearance above the eyes.
The best drug to use is Metronidazole (Flagyl) which you will need to get from your local vet. Ring first to see if he will prescribe it after seeing a photo of the fish, or if he insists on seeing the fish himself.
1. Do a 30% water change.
2. Set the temperature to 30 degrees, no higher.
3. Add 250 mg Metro per 40 Litres of water. Crush tablets to fine powder and mix with water to form a paste before adding to the tank.
4. After 12 hours, do another 30% water change and repeat the dose. This should be done for a total of 7 days.
5. During treatment the tank lights should be left off. Metro is affected by light.
6. A variety of good quality, high protein food with added vitamins and minerals should be fed several times daily. Include prepared dry food, beef heart, brine shrimp, green vegetable matter and blood worms in the diet. Remove any uneaten food and keep the water very clean.
Hope that helps. Keep us posted on your progress.
Tue Jul 19, 2005, 12:56 PM
Shawn check with your LFS, at least here in Texas you can get metro there.
Wed Jul 20, 2005, 05:48 AM
Well... I am quite stummped... he is still acting like his normal rude pushy self... and now is comming out into the open... but still not eatting.. hes acting like he wants food... but decides... naw not that!.... I duno, I didnt feed them at all today.. so tomorow I will see if he nibbles... He so far only has 2 of those symptoms... just not eatting and mucus poo
why all of a sudden??? he has been fine... what is the desease brought on by???
Also is Hex a gram Possitive or Negitive bacteria? or is it a virus???
Wed Jul 20, 2005, 06:29 AM
Shawn, the two main symptoms are food refusal, and the white jelly like poo. They don't need to display all the symptoms to be affected. It just means that the disease is in the early stages, when it is easiest to treat.
This link will provide you with a lot more scientific information.
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