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View Full Version : Little white worms?

Sun Jul 10, 2005, 09:11 PM
Ok.... today I cleaned the tank glass and I noticed that there are these little white worms that are squiggling around in the tank.. the fish (cardinals and neons and corycats and discus) are eatting them but I dont know if this is a good thing? Are these parasitic? are they just fish food? they must have came on the plants!!! Im a bit worried so what should I do?

Mon Jul 11, 2005, 12:33 AM
Check dis

Mon Jul 11, 2005, 12:36 AM
No not those... these are very skinny, white very squiggly worms that are swimming in the water column... like tiny white ribons

Mon Jul 11, 2005, 01:37 AM
Still sounds like Planaria worms to me =)

Mon Jul 11, 2005, 05:33 AM
Sounds to me like Planaria also.

When you clean the bottom of the tank, if you stir the sand up a bit as you suction it you will notice them begin to squiggle from that area. Don't panic, just cut back on your food and step up your water changes - you are overfeeding - once you cut back on the food you will notice that they slowly die off, because there is nothing there for them to feed off.

The general rule is to feed frequently and sparingly. Adult Discus will survive quite well on three small feeds a day - I feed mine Beefmix at about 9.00am., Tetra Bits & Flake about 2.00pm., and frozen Bloodworms about 6.30pm. Food should be consumed in a few minutes. Fry require more frequent feedings but again less is best - whatever they don't eat within a few minutes should be siphoned off.

Mon Jul 11, 2005, 11:49 PM
I havent done a gravel vac yet... not had time... I do need to do one though!... I think im Overfeeding too.... but they beg so bad!!! they act like they are starving all the time LOL!!!

Tue Jul 12, 2005, 12:36 AM
Ok, bit the bullet and did a wc... there was absolutly NO or VERY LITTLE "dirt"... I think this is because I used the poolfilter sand with the flourite... that way no waste gets down in there.... but anyway... I did a 50% WC... I dont see any lil wormmys out and about.. but who knows where they are now! haha!!!

hopefully the WC and not feeding so much will help!