View Full Version : My black discus
Fri Jul 08, 2005, 07:51 AM
Could someone please help me.................I have had a checkerboard discus for almost 6 months now, but in the last 2 weeks he has turned pure black....even his eyes are really dark, and just hides in the corner most of the time. He is eating ok. My temp is at ph at 6.7-6.9. Have done a water change 30% every week. Can anyone help with a quick efficive cure. Also what sort of balance diet should I being feeding him?
Fri Jul 08, 2005, 08:29 AM
sounds like discus plague?
Dont mean to alarm you, but LR or someone in a greater position of knowledge can advise you for sure
Fri Jul 08, 2005, 09:35 AM
Hi Nat, first up, what is your location. It just helps with treatments. Next, I need some more info about your tank and the fish in there.
How long has the tank been set up.
What sort of fish do you have in there
Water parameters
how long have you had this fish
Is there a peeling of the slime coat, or has the fish simply gone dark
Any other signs, flicking or rapid breathing
Are the droppings white and jelly like
What have you been feeding.
A picture would be great if you could manage one.
Fri Jul 08, 2005, 09:42 AM
:( :( :( My discus has gotten really bad in the last two hours. His breathing is normal, and he is swimming, but one of his eyes has turned a bright hazy blue. And his scales are starting to flake off, leaving a white undercoat. His very sick. :(
I have had the tank setup for about a year now, but have added things along the way. He has been in there about 6 months now, and has been doing great up until about 2 weeks ago. He evenb spawned a few times a couple moths ago.
In the tank he is with 6 other discus, in a 6 foot planted tank. I also have a variety of tetras, bristlenose, clown loaches and ghost knifes in with them.
I feed them a variety of breeders choice, tetrabits, beef heart, bloodworms, brineshrimp and discus dinner.
Fri Jul 08, 2005, 02:02 PM
Not sure here, I really need a pic.
Sounds bacterial. Do you have any antibiotics, like tetracycline or Metro. He needs to be removed to a hospital tank, and treated away from the other fish. Tetracycline is available from your local fish store. It will destroy your bio filter, hence the reason for using it in the hospital tank with just an airstone in there. Change about 50% of the water daily and redose the whole tank. Treat for 5 days.
Your main tank needs more frequent water changes with that bio load of fish. I would suggest at least 30% twice weekly.
Good luck, try and get that picture.
Your diet for the fish sounds perfect.
Fri Jul 08, 2005, 11:28 PM
Thnaks ladyred for your info. But unfortunately my poor discus died this morning. I had put him into a hospital tank, but he was beyond health.
Sat Jul 09, 2005, 08:38 AM
Sorry to hear that Nat.
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