View Full Version : Use of Private Message Facility on DF.com

Tue Jun 28, 2005, 11:40 AM
In regards to urgent questions regarding illnesses or other issues with your Discus, there health or there environment, please refrain from sending other members or advisors Private Messages for advice.

Whilst I know of this happenning in the past and currently, we must keep in mind a few things. All advisors are volunteers, they do this for the love of it, and whilst I know they are happy to answer your questions, there is a time when they should be able to take a time out, with the knowledge that messages arent being left unanswered.

Another reason why questions such as 'Why is my fish sick' etc should be kept on the forum rather than in a PM, is so that other people can learn from others experiences, plus the advice from 3-4 people can quite often be more valuable than that from one member. (whilst the information provided is probably fine as is, there may be a better treatment or suggestion available).

I thank you in advance for understanding and respecting this request.