Thu Jun 16, 2005, 11:37 PM
finally 2 months ago bought 2 discus (,my first since I lost 10 when on a holiday and came back to about 2 cm of uneaten food due to there carer missing feeds and then tripling up.)Last week they spawned on a thermometer,this week they started laying on the thermometer and half way through moved to a spawning cone.Soon after they ate the eggs on the thermometer and were tending the ones on the cone.This morning eggs were gone,possibly they ate them in the dark or would a large mystery snail be the culprit?
finally 2 months ago bought 2 discus (,my first since I lost 10 when on a holiday and came back to about 2 cm of uneaten food due to there carer missing feeds and then tripling up.)Last week they spawned on a thermometer,this week they started laying on the thermometer and half way through moved to a spawning cone.Soon after they ate the eggs on the thermometer and were tending the ones on the cone.This morning eggs were gone,possibly they ate them in the dark or would a large mystery snail be the culprit?