View Full Version : Sick new discus
Mon Jun 13, 2005, 12:25 PM
So I got my new discus last week. They were freaked out but have been settling in a-ok. 5 of them are doing fine, one of them is black and not too hot looking. It looks like it has a slightly milky film over it. He eats but not with great enthusiasim, and he swims around occasionally, but besides that, he just hangs out in the corner. Whats wrong with the poor thing!
While on the subject, all of them turn up tetra color bits and beefheart, they go crazy for bloodworms and community flakes. How do I get them to have variety in their diet!
Mon Jun 13, 2005, 12:30 PM
oh! and because I know this is comming from reading all the other sick posts
They are in a quarantine tank
ph 7
gh 3
kh 2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite <3mg/l (this is as accurate as the test comes, the lowest possible option)
Temp 86F/30C
-Karen the Noob!
Mon Jun 13, 2005, 01:25 PM
Hmmmm Dark and with excess slime coating represents something nasty, especially if he is facing the back of the tank, and not eating.
As much as I hate to say the word, this coud be discus plague. You must be very careful not to let anything from this tank come into contact with your other tanks until we know what it really is. Not water, not nets, nor syphon hoses nor hands.
Can you get in touch with the people who sold you the fish, and see if they are having any problems. Describe the symptoms of your fish, and see what their reaction is.
In the meantime, start lowering the pH of your water. We need to get it down to about 5 which is the latest cure for plague, but it must be done slowly, over about a week.
Keep me posted Karen. I want to hear what the breeder has to say. :wink:
Mon Jun 13, 2005, 04:16 PM
Thanks! Now do I seperate the sick fellow from the rest, or treat the whole lot of them.
Tue Jun 14, 2005, 01:05 AM
I got the water temp up to 92 and now he looks like a happy camper. All its colors are brilliant and bright, no slime coat, all of them are swimming around merrily together and eating their flake food ravenously (they are still turning up beefheart).
Could the cure really have been that easy and quick or is he getting my hopes up. And now what, do I keep it at 92, do I slowly drop the temp, any suggestions!
Thank you!
Tue Jun 14, 2005, 02:52 AM
Okay.............this is promising. So relieved to hear that. You don't want to be dealing with plague.
Let the temp sit on 92 for a couple of days, then slowly drop it back to 86. One degree per day.
Try offering new food first thing in the morning, when they are hungry. You only need one of the group to take it, and the others will follow.
They have obviously been raised on flake and bloodworm. Nothing wrong with that, but a bit more variety would be good. Just keep offering the new stuff.
Tue Jun 14, 2005, 03:01 AM
thanks :)
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