View Full Version : all the fish in one tank, lost one though

Mon Jun 13, 2005, 04:20 AM
hey all, well after consideration i just got one arvo free and put all the fish into the one tank 6x2x2...

the next morning i had lost one of my larger males, so now i have in this tank 1 definite female (was part of a pair), 1 large male (now looks as if pairing with female), 1 male that looks dejected as he's losing his mate, 3 little ones that aren't bothered by anyone and are left alone..

these fish are not interested in schooling, still working out hierarchy but even though i lost a really nice fish i think they are happier in lightly planted (in pots) and drift woody community tank, if any pair off they are going back into their own tank.

really don't like moving them, they get all stressed for ages after, still they are eating and looking ok so here's fingers crossed


Mon Jun 13, 2005, 04:27 AM
Bad luck,
Its terrible to loose any fish :( :(


Mon Jun 13, 2005, 06:19 AM
yeah sorry to hear that :(

Mon Jun 13, 2005, 09:50 AM
Yer mate It sux hey. :twisted:

Mon Jun 13, 2005, 11:09 AM
it does losing a fish, but then i'm an economist and prefer to see that i have saved 7 with the possibility of more,

this outweighs the loss of one male (males i have heaps of and would love to swap with anyone that has two females. i don't care the type or breed lol)
