View Full Version : looking for japenese yellow powder
Thu Jun 09, 2005, 05:14 PM
Does anyone know where i can find japenese yellow powder ?
Thu Jun 09, 2005, 10:11 PM
Hi Ronny
I think it could be found in JAPAN :wink: :wink: ; just kidding.
Where is your location pls?
Fri Jun 10, 2005, 05:29 AM
If it was green i would say wasabi!
seriously though Ronny, if you can give us a bit more infomation we will try and help you out.
cheers and kampi !
Fri Jun 10, 2005, 06:13 AM
what is japanese yellow powder ??
do you use this for cooking ??
Fri Jun 10, 2005, 03:39 PM
Thanks for your replies :D.
People called it nifupirinol (nitrofurazone). I think it's sort of antibiotics.
I am having a big problem with my discus. I have lost 3 discus. They were good and healthy, suddenly refused to eat and hiding, then follow by darting.
2 died coz of darting and 1 died of losing balance.
When i realised the problem earlier, i did prazi and metro to my discus (prazi first then metro a week later with high temp).
I tried to feed them with live blackworms but they refused. I have no clue what else can be done.
Can anyone please help ?
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 01:39 AM
Hi Ronny
Sorry for your loss.
Could you tell us more about your water parameter, how long have u got them? is your tank completely cycled? etc ..
You've already done Prazi and Metro but they did not help at all.
Uummm! I must think there is some outbreak in your tank.
Again pls tell us what symptons and questions above
Personally I would not feed them LIVE BW, they can carry disease.
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 01:49 AM
what r the water parametres like?
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 02:18 AM
what r the water parametres like?
Like: Temp, PH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate ...
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 03:01 AM
Yeah, if you can provide us with more info, im sure we can help with your problem
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 11:47 AM
Can you also tell me about the metro treatment that you did. At what strength and for how long, and how often.
We are finding some pretty resistant bugs at the moment, and some need a stronger dose than normal. Give me as much information as you can, even if you think it's not important. That's the only way I can build up a full picture, and try to help.
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 06:42 PM
Thanks for your replies ..
My ph is 7.5. I bought my water test from ebay. I hope that it will arrive soon.
Btw, I am in Perth.
I have my discus for 72 days (7 red melon, 6 gss and 6 bds), coming from Brisbane. I put them together into 85g tank. On around 1st week , i noticed one / two BDs refused to eat. Other discus were healthy. Since BDs (those who ate) were slightly bigger (1 or 1.5 cm) than others, they always ate more. So on 3.5 weeks, i decided to move BDs out into 45g tank.
The problem started one or two days after we had main water pipe burst (about 4/5 weeks ago). My discus suddenly scared with any movement, they always hide (darting sometimes). 2 of my gss lost their colors (like white fish). Although they hide, some of them did fight each other badly for food for few days. For around a week, i increased the heat and salt but no help. I changed my sediment and carbon filters. I put prazi for 6 days on my discus and i found worm(segmented, not sure what) on either tank (cant remember which tank). I stopped the treatement for a week. Then i started with metro and high temp plus bit of salt (4 days). I saw white poo on both tanks.
But discus in both tanks are still hiding and too alert (less in BDs tank). Slightly gets better in those 2 gss (body color seemed to be close to normal, eyes were red). They did eat now but very less (only want to take POSAQUA discus, they refused hikari bloodworms, posaqua brine shrimp, my own beefheart mix, tetra bits). Few days later, all stoped to eat (except 2-3 BDs). I then decided to age my water (use heater and aeration , plus adding water age ACN).
2 BDs died coz of darting badly and 1 red melon died coz of losing balance, laying on the bottom (he did dart but wasnt that bad).
4 days ago, i used ammo lock on age water tank. 2 days ago, I put heavy salt (4.5 cups on gss and red melon tank, around 110 litres and 3.5 cups on BD tank, around 90 litres). every 1 or 1.5 hours, i added some water (added around 100 litres in total of each tank).
My discus are completely different fish after salt treatment, they do swim around now. My BDs are starting to swim together (no dark color on them). My red melon are much better (color starting to be normal) but some looks like losing bit of control (might be too much salt ???). I found white poo on red melon and gss tank. The problem now is that they still dont eat.
I did w/c changed daily before those problems occured. After, i did irregular w/c (sometimes daily OR every 2 or 3 days).
The live blackworms were only for testing to see if they wanted to eat before salt problems. Only some BDs ate it.
Upps, sorry for being too long post. I tried to remember as i typed it :).
I am not sure what i should do. Here is my plan:
- Changed most of water with aged water (plus ammo lock).
- Another salt treatment, but less cups :D. (i'm not sure about this).
My fish do look ugly now (slightly big eye as not eating much for 1 month). I hope they can grow back to normal.
These new discus are in Quarantine tanks. I do have other big discus, they do fine .. nothing wrong at all, except one pleco missing, one dead stucked in my water drain pipe).
My oldest discus is around 5 years (bought from local fish shop, i think fish are from either Hongkong or Indonesia).
Thanks for reading :)
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 07:13 PM
I decided to use heavy salt treatment as i had similar problems 1.5 or 2 years ago. I only managed to save 2 BDs from previous shipment. My previous and current shipment are from the same seller.
All tanks and equipments were bleached 6 times and let dried before i got the second shipment.
Please not that i am not here to make bad things about the seller. Please do not ask me who. I am here desperately seeking for help. It could have been my water that makes the entire new shipment discus sicked. I am happy with the second shipment.
My old discus are fine, maybe coz they are big discus :?:
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 07:21 PM
Thanks for reading .. Here are some pictures. This pic is my old discus (taken in March). Those 2 BDs are the survival that i talked about. They are fine and healthy .. Saved by heavy salt treatment.
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 07:25 PM
Here is pic of second shipment discus (5 weeks after i got them).
They were all in good shape and healthy... but now :(
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 07:29 PM
Pics taken in June 2 ...
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 07:31 PM
Taken in June 2
Thanks for helping.
Sat Jun 11, 2005, 11:24 PM
nice looking fish in the first 2 pics :D
gee thats sad :( thoagh :(
good luck :)
Sun Jun 12, 2005, 12:08 AM
Thanks for all the information Ronny. Now I have a plan to help you, but it is long and detailed, and I am just on my way to work
so I will post it today after 5pm.
In the meantime, I want you to do a couple of things,
First, over the next six hours, do a complete 100% water change, without any added salt
and remove any driftwood , ornaments etc from your tank, so it is completely bare.
Then slowly turn the temp up to 32 degrees.
I will be home by then, and will be able to give you more instructions.
Do you still have metro tablets. If not, get plenty.
Good luck. Hang in there. We can cure these little fish of yours, I'm sure.
Sun Jun 12, 2005, 03:34 PM
In highly resistant cases such as this, the dose of metro needs to be increased to much higher levels, and treated at 8 hour intervals for up to 5 days. It does work, and you can save your fish, but you need to be very strict about the timing.
It can be transmitted to your other fish, possibly thru contaminated droppings, although little scientific work has been done in this area. It is believed that the pathogen responsible for Hole in the Head (also known by a variety of other names such as Hex, head and lateral line erosion and wasting disease) is Spironucleus Vortens.
An infected fish may show one or several of the following symptoms:-
Skin lesions around the head area.
Turning dark.
Refusing to eat.
White jelly like droppings.
Muscle wasting and pinched appearance above the eyes.
The best drug to use is Metronidazole (Flagyl) which you will need to get from your local vet.
1. Do a 30% water change.
2. Set the temperature to 32 degrees, no higher.
3. Add 400 mg Metro per 40 Litres of water. Crush tablets to fine powder and mix with water to form a paste before adding to the tank.
4. After 8 hours, do another 30% water change and repeat the dose. This should be done for a total of 5 days.
5. During treatment the tank lights should be left off. Metro is affected by light.
6. A variety of good quality, high protein food with added vitamins and minerals should be fed several times daily. Include prepared dry food, beef heart, brine shrimp, green vegetable matter and blood worms in the diet. Remove any uneaten food and keep the water very clean.
If the fish will eat, soak some dry food in the metro solution before adding it to the tank. That way it goes straight into the stomach, where it does the most good.
Please keep us posted.
Sun Jun 12, 2005, 04:10 PM
Thanks goldenpigeon and ladyred.
I did metro for 5 days with 32C temp. Fish got worse. Then i stopped for 3 days then did salt treatment ... Do i still need to do metro (the temp is still at 32C) ?
I gave my discus 250-300 mg per 10g ... w/c 50% everyday and replaced the metro.
Btw, do you have any idea what is going on ?
My discus dont hide anymore, their color is back ... Not darting anymore.
Just not eating ....
Thanks :)
Sun Jun 12, 2005, 04:16 PM
thanks Ladyred.
I forgot to mention .. my QT tanks are bare bottom ...
I did not use tank light on QT tanks. I did soak some food with metro.
It's impossible for me to do treatment every 8 hours due to work.. unless if i wait till next weekend.
Since i did metro before, should i do it again ?
Sun Jun 12, 2005, 05:04 PM
Ronny, if they are starting to look better, then the metro treatment has worked. Just continue to do your water changes and offer them food. I believe blackworms are responsible for gill flukes in a lot of cases, and personally do not feed them to any of my fish.
Give them a week of good food, clean water, and a temp of 32 degrees. The higher temp should stimulate their appetite, then once they are eating well, bring the temp back to 30 degrees.
During this time, no salt is to be added to the water.
Just as a matter of interest, when you are treating with Metro, it's important to note that it only has a life of 8 hours, after which time, it is not working, so when you do the second dose, you calculate for all the water in the tank, not just the water which has been replaced during the water change.
Please let me know what has happened at the end of the week.
Sun Jun 12, 2005, 05:29 PM
Thanks Ladyred.
The fish got better not due to metro. I stopped metro at 5th day as the fish got worsen (hiding and darting). They had not been eating for 4 weeks.. So i decided to use heavy salt treatment ....
Heavy salt treatment is the one saving my fish life ...
I had similar case last year. I accidentally saved 2 BDs from 12 discus with heavy salt treatment. For that problem, i tried metro and prazi .. it did not help it.
I did not use heavy salt treatment as i am worrying that heavy amount of salt will damage the discus organs. That's the reason for why, i tried again with prazi and metro on my second shipment discus (19 discus).
I decided to use salt treament as i gave up .. worrying to lose more ....
Thu Jun 16, 2005, 01:14 AM
May I ask how heavy salt it was? so that we know how far we can go. Thanks
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