View Full Version : had 7 lost 2
Thu Apr 08, 2004, 08:08 PM
just got 7 discus from wattley went and picked them my self well all was good for a few days and then while I was at work my power to my tank went out 6 hrs latter with water temp down to 79 from 88 2 discus wee gone all is back to normal but the remaining discus go to the food but dont eat the food was given me by wattley I am doing a lot of water changes 20 a day it is 90 gallons I am trying color bits should I just wait any ideas thanks tacks
Thu Apr 08, 2004, 11:18 PM
Sorry to hear about the 2 Discus you lost.
my suggestion would be to feed them several types of food in small quantities at the same time to maybe catch there fancy...
Just do a quick vac afterwards, to get any of the food they didnt eat.
Fri Apr 09, 2004, 04:02 AM
Ditch the colourbits. Some people have lost discus with this food, specifically a member over at I think the member's name is Pete.
Stick with tasty food for now, like frozen bloodworms, krill, Brine Shrimp, and the like. Siphon any uneaten food 30 mins after feeding.
Fri Apr 09, 2004, 04:18 AM
here is the link to the article luv mentioned -
This has got me really thinking and I would love to hear what everyone else has to say.
I have fed mine ColorBits for ages, and they love it, it is about the only food that never hits the bottom... now, as for what was mentioned in that link, going all crazy and skittish, mine do that occasionally, not enough to concern me, but I might have to try a few things and see if that changes things...
Thanks luv...
Fri Apr 09, 2004, 04:58 AM
Geez, all the breeders I know either feed colourbits or add them in their beefheart mix....
Where did this pop up from?
Fri Apr 09, 2004, 05:04 AM
??? as my first reaction was :shock: :shock: :shock:
I am going to take my guys off it for a week or so, and just see if there is any change, but I do this purely out of curiousity... not being alarmist in the slightest... (and heck, I am almost out of Bits anyway) lol
Fri Apr 09, 2004, 07:02 PM
I think one reason these guys are not eating is I have just found out my co2 is very high { I have a planted tank} my co2 controller is not working correctly so I have air stone on and there breathing seems to be getting better happy Easter to all tacks
Sat Apr 10, 2004, 02:41 AM
Proteus and kev, this is just something I remembered, as I was feeding them with a variety of foods including colourbits (Ro, how can *you* misspell colour like that?? ;) ) here as well, and lost a couple of mine. Granted, that was a year or so ago, when they were new to me.
BUT, I've not seen behaviour like that, or lost a discus since I stopped feeding ColourBits and pellets in general.
Sat Apr 10, 2004, 04:13 AM
I have done some reading and it is surprising the varied responses there is to this... On one side there is the die-hard fans, then on the other hand there are a lot of people that have had problems with it...
I am thinking, that the ones that do ok, must be seasoned as to the ingredients and compounds in the food... I dont know...
I will try a few things, and not use them for a while and see if there behavious changes.
Color = Colour DOH...
Sat Apr 10, 2004, 04:38 AM
I feed mine color bits but i give them a soaking in water first, because i read that they can expand in the fish's stomach. I can't see any problems with skittishness, unless someone jumps in front of the tank or slams the hood down.
Do you soak them Proteus?? Or anyone else for that matter.
Sat Apr 10, 2004, 08:51 AM
Never soaked them... and they disappear within seconds of getting wet.
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