View Full Version : My New Fish
Thu Apr 08, 2004, 12:35 AM
New to the game of Discus and I thought that I would post some pics of my new friends.
Problem is I didn't pay enough attention to the guy at the fish store when I bought them (mainly because the kids were busy trying to pick out their favourites).
Anyway if anyone could let me know what is what I would be most grateful.
There are three that look the same... kinda blue looking.... and one gold fish with black trim.
Here is a link to my Personal Gallery... (
Thu Apr 08, 2004, 12:48 AM
Thanks for sharing Craig...
(your link worked fine, I just cleaned it up a bit for you :wink: )
Thu Apr 08, 2004, 12:50 AM
Much neater.... I shall have to learn all the tricks :D
Thu Apr 08, 2004, 12:56 AM
very easy... if you want to do a link, but cover up the URL with some text... do this.
DiscusForums (
looks like this :- DiscusForums (
Basically, remove the end ] from the url prefix, add the = symbol, complete you web address, close it off with a ] then just add what text you want to appear and the standard close to the URL [ /url].
Thu Apr 08, 2004, 11:16 AM
Not to sound like an alarmist.... but I really do suggest that you go out and get a fish dewormer. Something with Praziquantel base (Worm-Rid by Aquariums science would do).
Your discus look like they need to be dewormed first and then fed quite a bit. They are looking skinny.
A lot of discus come in with tape worm and the likes, and if not treated propperly, discus end up being emaciated and don't grow propperly.
You've got: some Red Turquoise, some cobalt blues and the yellow one with black dusting is a pigeon blood discus.
Good luck with your discus. :)
Fri Apr 09, 2004, 04:14 AM
I agree with kev. Lovely fish, but they should be treated for internals. Metronidazole works well, and is in Hex-a-Mit by Aquatronics (dunno if you can get that there?) If you can locate Di-Metronidazole, get it. It's metro, times 10 for efficacy.
Metro is also available from vets in the trade name med Flagyl. doctors can also prescribe it. I got mine from an opthalmologist friend, and it's far less spendy than "fish-specific" meds.
Fri Apr 09, 2004, 05:07 AM
Metronidazole is a controlled drug here in Aust. I would love to ask you to get some for those fish, but it's not readily available across the counter. However, if you go to large established aquariums stores and ask for flagyl or Octozin (pulled off the shelves currently) for Hexamita (diseases), they MAY have some available for you UNDER the counter. ;)
(Fish keeping going more and more underground here in Aust these days.... sigh....)
Sat Apr 10, 2004, 02:50 AM
Kev, Metro is controlled here as well. The local stores pulled Hex-a-Mit a couple of years ago. Essayons sent me some in the mail on the QT cos I was panicked with some wild Greens, which I did end up losing.
I since found a sympathetic Opthalmologist that scripted me some Flagyl. I guard that like it's Platinum, as I can't get Metro, let alone Di-Metro, in Ontario.
Sat Apr 10, 2004, 04:33 AM
livfishies - is flagyl a good med for treating internal worms??
I was just wondering if i should treat for worms? My discus dont look at thin as those in fact they are quiet plump, but it seems that the small pigeon blood is not growing much and for the amount the eat they should have out grown the tank!!! I was just wondering how strong flagyl is and if i should treat them, not knowing for sure if it is worms.
So there is no chance I can get Metronidazole in Australia, or do i have to get it from a doctor/vet?? I want a product that will get rid of any worms without giving the fish or the biological filtration a knock about.
I have seen small thin white feces maybe 2 times in the time that ive had them (about 3months i think). But never constantly just every now and then.
Kev - Do you remember when i got the fish?? was is late Jan/early Feb?
I cant remember now! I am trying to work out how old they would be and if i had them for 3months and they were 3months old when i got em that about 6months but thats an estimate and i cant remember when i got them or how old they were...Do you know how old they were when i got them and what month i got them??
Sat Apr 10, 2004, 03:41 PM
If it it internal flagellates like hexamita, the drug of choice would be metronidazole... IF it was to treat for tape worm, the drug of choice is praziquantel.
Proziquantel is available off the shelf as "Worm Rid".
Metronidazole has a trade name called Flagyl. This drug u have to get from the vet or a "symphatetic" doctor.
Tue Apr 13, 2004, 12:26 AM
I will head out this afternoon and get some worming treatment.
The fish seem happy enough, but do appear to have slowed growing over the last week.
The pidgeon blood passed some strange faeces last night. It looked like a number of small worms being passed at one time.... thought it might have just been some undigested blood worms, but am a little concerned now... :(
Thanks for the heads up.
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