View Full Version : how long does it take

Mon May 23, 2005, 06:31 AM
i was wondering how long it takes for a cobalt blue just put in 2 days ago and a blue turq being in there a month to get use to each other because they are worrying me and how long does it take for a sore on the side of the discus to heal up

Mon May 23, 2005, 09:34 AM
Do you just have the two discus in that tank Darth?

The new one will always be picked on by the older resident because he has come into an established territory.

Has the injury been caused by by their fighting?

Don't like the sound of that. You might have to separate them.

In the meantime, move some of the stuff in the tank around a bit, so the territory is broken up.

Mon May 23, 2005, 09:37 AM
i think the injury was caused by something else i feel strongly about this and hows does breaking the territory mean because i just did a water cahnge and they were hanging out at the back of the tank together and before like 7:30 in morning before school whenever the blue turq came towards the cobalt it would turn pale and swim away in disinterest

Mon May 23, 2005, 09:41 AM
LOL well that's different. When they feel threatened they will always group together. Safety in numbers and all that :)

Moving things around in the tank means to move something like the driftwood or plants so the tank looks a bit different. The older resident won't feel so comfortable then. It will be new to him too.

Thu May 26, 2005, 04:06 PM

listen to ladyred -she is right. I had a similar problem - I did a water change and moved things around in my tank a bit and now they are all friendly again!!.