View Full Version : Tank Cycling
Fri May 20, 2005, 01:49 AM
As you all know (due to my constant questions and posts!) Im getting my 125 gallon on sunday. Ive had many tanks in the past so I know about cycling and al that, but how long do you predict it will take for everything "to get settled" if drain the water from my 70 gallon into , put a container with some of my old tanks gravel in there and throw my ceramic rings and sponge filter into the sump. Shouldnt it be ready to go for more fish additions within a week, or am I dreaming (not discus additions, Im not ready for that yet!)
Fri May 20, 2005, 02:07 AM
This is one of those questions that is going to get many diff answers.
So lets stick to the "science" of it :wink:
A 70g tank ( fully stocked ) is going to have a bacteria bed capable of handling that size bioload.
When you expand the water volume by 55g ( IF you are transplanting everything from the 70 to the 125 OR stocking accordingly ) then you have a 70g bioload in a 125g tank.
Can you add fish RIGHT AWAY.........
Sure you can.
Do it slowly so the NEW bacteria has a chance to catch up.
You ARE ahead of the game bc you have established bacteria,
But unless you are going to transplant everything over from the 70 or stock the 125 accordingly, then you run the risk of a crash if you do too much too fast.
Depending on what you have and what you want to add, I would say that you could be fully stocked in 6 to 8 weeks.
Remember that it takes time for the bacteria to find a balance.
If you keep that in mind and proceed with caution, then all should be well.
But then again.....................
I like to take my time and have been called paranoid about my fishy friends!
Good Luck
Fri May 20, 2005, 02:40 AM
The plan is to stick the 70gallon fish in there asap (so I can sell the 70 and be able to afford more stuff for the 125!) Then I will blow my paycheck on plants, thennnnnn add the "background fish" as I like to call them, and then in 2 or 3 months, get the discus. My main concern is getting my 70g fish out the 70g tank asap!
Fri May 20, 2005, 02:44 AM
If that is the plan then you should be ok with the transplant of substrate ( use as much of the old gravel as possible, even if you stuff it in the sump ) and the established media.
I would still keep my eye on the chem, just to be on the safe side.
You will more than likely have a mini cycle, but if you know that in advance you can be ready in case an emergency WC is called for.
Also, I would be doing 25% or greater WC's ever couple days to give the bacteria some breathing room.
Although this may not be necc bc you are increasing the water volume.
But that is just me :wink:
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