View Full Version : Discus body Language

Tue May 17, 2005, 07:17 AM
I thought i would start up a thread in relation to discus body language and what it means. Here are a few that i know of and seen. If anyone knows of other please put up a post.

discus top and bottom fins quiver, generally whilst there is another discus nearby which might do the same thing
In my experience this happens just before the pair spawns, usually within 2 - 3 hours.

Discus flick either an object or bottom aquarium floor with side of head This would usually indicate an infection of gill flukes.

discus taps pelvic fins quite fast, usually several times
I am not complety sure of this one but it might be some sort of warning to nearby discus of danger.

Two discus have a mouth tug of war, quite aggresively
Most of the time this is same sex discus fighting over territory or a mate.

So far thats what i have come up with, i would like to hear of more.


Tue May 17, 2005, 01:45 PM
discus top and bottom fins quiver, generally whilst there is another discus nearby which might do the same thing
In my experience this happens just before the pair spawns, usually within 2 - 3 hours.

Hard to say this behaviour leads to spawning.
My discus do it and none of them have spawned in my tank.
I have always thought it was related to itchiness or irritation from floating particles.

discus taps pelvic fins quite fast, usually several times
I am not complety sure of this one but it might be some sort of warning to nearby discus of danger.

Similarly in this case, they can do it and yet be quite calm. (unless they are totally terrified of my but have really really good poker faces)
They do it to remove their poo poos, so I figure its just a way of scratching themselves or removing irritants on them.

Just my opinion.

Swimming in one particular path over and over (usually after lights out)

Anyone encountered this? some sort of odd exercise perhaps? :)

Keeping one pectorial fin clamped to its body and swimming with the other

Looks like its "arm" is broken, but prolly just because it only needs one fin to keep still


Lazy Discus! hehe