View Full Version : fish shivering
Wed May 11, 2005, 08:45 AM
My blue turq is shivering and is dark and then quick moves and then calms down
can someone tell if this is a disease or just transporting the other day just 3 days ago
Wed May 11, 2005, 09:07 AM
Shivering is a sign of pre spawning behaviour. Can you give me any other details. Is he eating well and swimming normally.
Wed May 11, 2005, 09:27 AM
my turqs are swimming alright they do move faster than normal and they started eating today they ate a nip stuck on the glass and they enjoyed that.
the things on the bottom of the fish started to cross each other and the stress bars are dark
if the fish are going to have bbabies should i separe them because i have black angelfish, one molly(trying to get rid of) white finned tetras. lemon.algae eaters,and some golden barbs and neons and where are they going to lay them, i also have bristle noses 3
Wed May 11, 2005, 09:41 AM
Thats a fair range of fish there darth, It might be a good idea to get rid of those barbs there a little bit aggressive for discus and the lemon algae eaters they can get a taste for the slime coat on the side of your discus.
Discus like to be the king of the tank and dont wont to compete for food.
If they spawn thats all good. Dont worry about it. Its all about them settling in at the moment.
Wed May 11, 2005, 12:03 PM
I wouldn't worry about them spawing just yet. It often takes them several spawnings to get things right.
The first thing to do is to see if you actually have a pair, and you won't know that till you see them laying eggs. Then you might want to think about getting them a breeding tank of their own.
For the time being, I would just let them settle in and get used to their new surroundings.
Wed May 11, 2005, 09:21 PM
but wont it be late to find if i have a pair if they start laying eggs and they arent put into a breeding tank
Wed May 11, 2005, 09:59 PM
I wouldnt worry to much I introduced a new fish to my tank a month ago and straight away one of mine started shivering as you say up to it and nothings happened as the new one isnt interested in him so what you have could go on for months with out anything happening and nothing could ever happen if the other one is not interested.
Thu May 12, 2005, 01:13 AM
Hang on.. are we sure the fish is shimming?
When you say "shivering", what exactly do you mean?
Are their top and bottom fins twitching?
or is its body doing a kind of wavey dance motion? (in a horizontal manner)
When you say shiver and moves quickly... sounds like its itching and darting.
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