View Full Version : Uneven eyes

Tue Mar 30, 2004, 09:28 AM
Well my pop eye conclusion was wrong and lucky i researched it before i did anything. But it does seem that on some days the fish's eyes are uneven. And its not just the one fish, i first saw it on the pigeon blood when i thought it was pop eye, but then after water changes it was gone and now i ve just noticed it on the scorpion snakeskin. I was wondering if its anything to worry about? I mean it seemed to correct its self with the pigeon blood but i dont want any long term damage to the fish, well i dont want it even if it is causing any discomfort to the fish..

Anyone heard or experienced this?


Wed Mar 31, 2004, 11:35 PM

Do you think the eye is getting smaller or larger? I would be interested to know the side that it is happening to.



Thu Apr 01, 2004, 05:56 AM
It seems to be the right eye, on every fish as in if the fish is facing me my right, but yeah it ccomes and goes with all of them.

Fri Apr 02, 2004, 09:49 PM
What what do you mean this comes and go with them? Is this a common thing? Seems very odd to me.
Where have you found your info on this, I would seriously be intresting in reading more.

Sat Apr 03, 2004, 03:51 AM
Ok let me just re-word this post as i think people have the wrong idea.

I first noticed with the pigeon blood that his eye would potrude out a bit more than normal. At first i thought it was pop-eye so i did some research on it and found that they were nothing alike. So i let it go did water changes daily and it corrected its self. Then maybe a week later i saw the same thing on the snakeskin, this time i left it and maybe 3-4 hours later (no water change) it had corrected itself. Its like they have been moving their eye to lok at some thing and its stayed there for long lengths of time. Any way I drew up one of my artful diagrams to better explain the eye.

Note - I dont think this is a desease, i was just asking if anyone else had every noticed this with their fish for long periods of time. By long i mean 12hours Max.


Look its not a big deal and it doesnt seem to bother them, thats why i didnt put it in the illness and medication section, i just wanted to see if anyone else had see this.
