View Full Version : Quarantine(hex)(RIP)
Sat Apr 30, 2005, 12:32 PM
Hi I have a really nice looking Goldern Crystal, Shes not been happy for a few weeks now she on pecks at her food, infact from an active eater to a poor eater she will only peck at BH. Her colour is great still, fins flared
Her poo is white.
I have seen tapeworms before these are not tape worms.
She seems to breathe very slow, her gills dont flare half as much as the others but there not closed.
Water parameters
Slight traces of amonia
0 nitrates
0 nitrites
Ph sits around 6.0
every other fish is very happy.
I think I might treat with Prazi by herself in my quarantine tank.
But im not sure if im treating for the right thing.
My LFS said they might be normal worms?
mistakes r crucial
Sun May 01, 2005, 12:24 AM
Discus going off their food coupled with white feces could be a flagellate such as Hex or Capillaria, a type of nematode worm. In my experience it is doubtful Prazi will permanently fix either of the above problems. If it were my fish I would seek the advice of a vet and then treat it. If you have other Discus/fish in the tank you may want to consider treating all fish as Hex and Capillaria are easily transferred from one fish to another.
Sun May 01, 2005, 02:51 AM
I am treating my discus in QT with Prazi now. If I am going to place them in a bigger tank after Q period do I need to treat all the fish (not discus) in that tank with Prazi too. I have tetras, plecos and rainbow.
Sun May 01, 2005, 03:34 AM
Ok treating for Hex, how do I do that :?:
Can someone please give me some more info, on this topic.
Cheers Chris
mistakes r crucial
Sun May 01, 2005, 04:13 AM
Treating fish for suspected problems as opposed to definite problems is not something I would do. The drugs you have to use to eliminate some of these issues are very stong and can really knock your fish around. Again, my advice would be to seek professional help, establish a cause and then treat them.
Sun May 01, 2005, 10:22 AM
Thanks for the advice Mac, Ive had discus for only 15months now and have only ever wormed my guys. Now I know getting a vets opinion would be great but I dont think im at that stadge yet. Im sure plenty of people out there would have come across what my golderns got at the moment. Im sure with the advice I could get from here or my LFS could help me overcome this problem.
Sun May 01, 2005, 04:02 PM
Hi Chris, It sounds to me like your fish has a case of hexemita, or hole in the head. Fish with this disease show symptoms of not eating and the white jelly like poo that you mentioned.
Now, there are some pretty nasty strains of bugs around now, and quite a few of them are resistant to our normal medications, and may well need something stronger. However, I would begin with Metro, and see what results you get from that. There is more information available here:-
Hopefully, that will do the trick, and you won't need anything stronger.
Tue May 03, 2005, 12:28 PM
Thanks Ladyred and Mac for your valuable advise I am treating for Hex from advice from my LFS, who has had a fair bit of experience with Hex, It sounds like my recent poor water quality was the Major contributer to this infection.
Have you guys got any pointers :?:
My goldern has been of her food for 3 weeks now and has lost some colour.
Tommorrow She Is getting her first Dose.
In my Quarintine tank.
Tue May 03, 2005, 10:59 PM
Just curious Chris where did you get your medication from for hex I tried to get some a few months back and no one would give it to me, Rod Lewis ended up posting me some down. Did you get metro :?:
Wed May 04, 2005, 08:08 AM
Well I have given my goldern her first does of Metro, she seems to be doing fine. With in two hours she has already let go one big white poo.
What other signs do I look for :?:
I havent tried to feed her today.
should I tommorrow :?:
I was talking to my LFS owner and Ive told him of my recent water problem, high nitrates and nitrites. He brought it to my attention that my Hex outbreak could be because of
1-I had a black out for 5 hours, all the bacteria could have died.
Then my tank started to cycle again
2-I recently tried live black worms on my discus they loved it.
3-They already had them lying dorment.
Oh and leanne I got my vets advice and he perscribed them for me.
Wed May 04, 2005, 12:59 PM
Keep feeding her while she is in the quarantine tank. In fact, if you soak some dry food in the metro before you feed it to her, she just might take some of the medication straight into her system, where it will work better.
Good luck. Sounds like you are on the right track.
Wed May 04, 2005, 01:12 PM
What vet do you use Chris :?: Also when I had a sick fish with hex and Rod Lewis helped me out with the meds he also said that I should raise the temp up and add some salt did you try that also and dont forget no lights.
The fish I got off you is doing really well now her white poos are now brown even though they can still get quite long at least they're brown she is also eating a lot better now eating bh, bs, and bw doesnt like flake or the granules and looks quite peeved when she sees me and comes rushing to the top of the tank and I put flake or granules in she goes and sulks in the corner for about 10 mins its quite funny.
Good luck with your fish Chris I hope it gets better as when I seen her she was a very stunning looking fish.
Thu May 05, 2005, 06:56 AM
Hey Leanne Mark Hill at somerton Park is your man.
When treating Hex do the fish consistantly shed the milky feces,
Does that mean he is getting better, This fish looks very happy, still not eating but Ive been at work all day.
How long is rehab.
Anyone that has experienced what do I expect timeframe, succession of treatment etc etc :?:
Thu May 05, 2005, 12:28 PM
Ok Just an update,my goldern poos are now clear not milky any more is this agood thing :?:
Heres a pic when she was healthy
Thu May 05, 2005, 01:32 PM
Chris, looks like you have done a great job on getting your discus back to better health!
Also that is one awesome looking discus!
Great work and well done!
Please Chris, keep us posted on how she goes!
Thu May 05, 2005, 02:42 PM
Expect to see clear droppings till the fish is eating properly again. It can take a week or so after treating with metro.
So long as the fish is looking happy, and swimming normally, all is well.
Thu May 05, 2005, 11:53 PM
Try tempting her with some live food Chris and see if she eats that.
Fri May 06, 2005, 02:53 AM
That Picture was a before not an after, she still looks the same as that shot just a little bit thinner, Ive only dosed here once with Metro, and she still wont eat. But im trying
Fri May 06, 2005, 04:59 AM
Are you dosing every 8 hours with wc inbetween Chris
Fri May 06, 2005, 12:16 PM
Ive just noticed a massive long feces trailing behinde her, nearly double her length. Second dose of metro given today.
Do the the fish keep excreating this white mucus till theres none left.
What is this stuff :?:
Fri May 06, 2005, 01:17 PM
Hi Chris I gather you're only dosing once a day metro looses all its potency after about 8 hours so if you can do it twice a day with a wc that would be better. Have you raised your temp a bit or added any salt :?: Has her feeding got any better :?:
Fri May 06, 2005, 01:37 PM
Yer your right Im only treating Once a day, Due to work,
But tommorrow I will be double dosing between water changes.
that will make 4 treatments in four days.
Still not eating though :?:
After tmorrows treatment I will try and bring her round to eating.
She looks well and is all flared up.
Fri May 06, 2005, 01:42 PM
Double dosing with lights out is def the go maybe just try feeding some live black worms just to get her back into eating again before she gets weak and then when shes all better give her a dose of prazi in case of gill flukes are you adding any salt as well.
Fri May 06, 2005, 01:44 PM
Also after you've given full treatment and if they's no change you can double the dosage to 500mg tab per 40 ltrs what dosage are you doing.
Fri May 06, 2005, 01:51 PM
Im dosing 1 tablet per 30litres as advised by my vet.
Im a bit reluctant to give my guys Live blackworms because it was the last meal she actively ate.
I will just try blood worms and brine.
After the doses tommorrow, I will worm her, but give her a chance to feed and recover.
Fri May 06, 2005, 02:15 PM
Chris, don't worm her for at least a week after the metro treatment. She needs some time in clean water to recover from the treatment.
Fri May 06, 2005, 02:15 PM
You could also try her on some live brine shrimp. That usually gets them eating.
Fri May 06, 2005, 02:20 PM
Yer brine shrimp thats my guys favorite food fingers crossed that works.
Sat May 07, 2005, 09:44 AM
Try some live bs Chris if thats her fav and I didnt mean worm straight away I meant in a month or two.
Sun May 08, 2005, 01:59 AM
Well looks like all the white stuff stop coming out, horray, but still not eating, Live Brine Tommorrow, followed by plenty of water changes, Fish still looks good.
Sun May 08, 2005, 11:24 AM
Well I thought the white poos have stoped but, no I notice one on her today, looks like I will be treating again soon, but in the mean time I will try and get her to eat, give her a bit of salt aswell etc.
Mon May 09, 2005, 09:37 AM
Still got long white poos, will this keep happining till she starts eating,
The feces is CLEAR, but are very long.
Its been a long time since she has eatin :?:
Getting a litte worried as I leave to go to Bali on the 22nd of May :!:
I dont really wont to give my girlfriend the responsability of looking after her :!:
Tue May 10, 2005, 12:00 AM
I'd def be getting some live food to try and temp her into eating Chris if not bs try black worms just antil shes eating I know you dont like using black worms but just getting her to eat is the most important at the moment. When I had the same problem with one of mine the poo didnt come back to normal colour etc antil it was eating well what temp etc do you have the tank on.
Tue May 10, 2005, 11:42 AM
Good News Ive noticed some colour between the clear feces.
Not getting to cocky yet but this is the best result so far :P
This morning I noticed here feces clear but not as fat as usually.
This Fish has to get better before next Sunday or else I may have to take her to my LFS to look after when I go to Bali :!:
My hospital tank sits on approx 32degrees.
I notice her doing a bit of Gill bashing just then. I will give her some salt tommorrow after water change.
Wed May 11, 2005, 05:34 AM
Chris, good to hear that there are doing well.
I just got 6 capsules of 250 mg metro. That's all that I got. My QT tank is 2'x18x18". I quess I better lower the water level to 20 cm so I don't have to use too much and I have spares. But on the same time that will lower the water quality. I only have 3 7.5 cm discus in the tank though.
Wed May 11, 2005, 07:40 AM
sounds good chris if u could get her eating the poo will probably turn back brown but it wont do it with a empty stomache. How long are you going to bali for.
Wed May 11, 2005, 08:10 AM
I think they have tropical fish market in Denpasar, might be worth visiting.
Wed May 11, 2005, 09:23 AM
Im going to Bali next Sunday morning for 11 days :!:
At the moment her poo is still long and clear with bits of brown in it, so she must be eating something, at the moment Im feeding her blood worms and BH and BS, Tried live BS aswell.
Wed May 11, 2005, 10:05 PM
Chris just keep on tempting her with live food and I think she'll be ok some brown in the poo is a good sign just give her plenty of wc and if worse comes to worse I have a spare tank so I could look after her while you are away.
Thu May 12, 2005, 12:13 PM
Wow thank you very much, for the offer and the advice :!:
I hope it dosnt come to that but thank you anyway.
I think she is eating bh only little bits.
Her poo is still very very long but it has had some colour.
Im doing water changes every second day.
She still looks good all flared up look a bit thin though :?:
Again thankyou leanne :wink:
Thu May 12, 2005, 12:48 PM
Wow, what a wonderful offer. You guys rock. I just love being on this forum.
Thu May 12, 2005, 10:45 PM
Thats ok im always willing to lend a helping hand I believe in helping other people as one day I may need help myself. Karens probably going away for 4 weeks at the end of the year and has asked me to look after her fish big big job as she has many tanks but Im willing to help out.
Fri May 13, 2005, 07:06 AM
Hello again daily update, her poo is long an clear with some slight colour.
But her clear poo is really long.
Its just time now :?:
I feel shes not eating Its so frustrating her being sick and cause im on a time frame to get her better and in general population soon.
But again thankyou Leanne for such a wonderfull offer :shock:
I really wish I could stick it out to get her better but ,I will run out of time. Maybe :!:
Sat May 14, 2005, 01:20 PM
Chris how is she doing :?: eating yet :?:
Sun May 15, 2005, 09:44 AM
Hi yer still not eating properly :cry: although havent seen any long white poos today. My feeling is that she wont be ready for release this saturday if she builds her appetite up.
But its only early. I was thinking maybe she needs another dose of Metro :?:
I dont think I should treat her If its still OK If you fish sit her(leanne)cheers :lol:
Yer its a little troubling at the moment not sure what to do :evil:
Im just continuing to change her water and feed her a much as I can :!:
Wed May 18, 2005, 03:59 AM
Just another update Fish still not eating, looks great though colour fine poo clear time running out.
Wed May 18, 2005, 04:11 AM
Just let me know what you want to do Chris as I'll need to set the tank up etc for her if you need me to look after her. She may not want to eat while shes in isolation they get lonely by themselves have you thought of putting one of the others in with her for company.
Wed May 18, 2005, 04:36 AM
Good point Leanne Im stuck for time though time. If I was not going away I would stick one of my White Diamonds in there with her im sure she could do with a worming treatment.
Looks like A friend of mine that keeps cichlids is keen to look after her for me, he keeps his tanks imaculate, and has plenty of experience with treatments.
He is also a regular at Simons shop.
His name is Josh he may look at joining here if he has any problems,
So everyone look after him.
Again Thankyou ever so much Leanne for your very kind guesture, merrilyn for your Advice and yours to Leanne.
This is my first problem I have ever had illness wise with my fish Im a bit upset I couldnt see it through.
I was talking to my LFS(brighton) about my HEX problem he seems to think it may have started from a 5 hour black we had in Adelaide we had. The next day my tank had a bacteria bloom, then my tank cycled again, Leanne you remember with my Nitrate problems, these poor water conditions could have brought the HEX out :!:
Wed May 18, 2005, 04:50 AM
Thats no worries Chris it probably did have something to do with your water conditions as when I tested your nitrates that day they were way over 160 ppm I dont let mine get over 10 but thats all fixed now so hopefully things can only get better from here for you.
When you get back from your bali trip I'd put her back in quarantine and put one or two of your others with her and see if they can entice her to eat she probably is just lonely now and misses her family.
The fish I got off you though Ive had some problem with white poo also but she doesnt have it all the time most times its dark brown but then she does a pure white one but Ive just left her alone as shes eating well and looks fine I've had fish with hex before and it doesnt look thick and slimey like hers does maybe she needs a worming. Any way have a good trip and remember to put a padlock on your bag you never know do you.
Wed May 18, 2005, 04:58 AM
Her Poo still is long and clear, I havent had any experience with Hex till now, Maybe she is OK just needs a friend.
Yer Im padlocking my suitcase, not that there will be anything in it.
On the way home yes :!: clothes CD etc etc.
Wed May 18, 2005, 05:00 AM
By the way Leanne How is that Brilliant Turq :!:
Growin yet post some new pics in the Photo Album if you can 8-)
Wed May 18, 2005, 05:06 AM
Getting a bit bigger she likes to eat 5 or 6 times a day my rm still loves her too.Heres a pic I took about 5 mins ago.
ps Its not what you have in your case its what other people put in your case thats the problem.
Wed May 18, 2005, 05:11 AM
True True :!:
Good to see her again, Is she definately a she have you seen her lay eggs, I didnt see her, she did have a brief stint with my Male Red Turq who is in a relationship now.
Wed May 18, 2005, 05:16 AM
For all I know she could be a he I was just going on what you said well maybe one day I'll find out for sure but she wont have a bar of my red melon hangs around him the most though just wont shake back to him or her.
Wed May 18, 2005, 05:41 AM
I wasnt 100% convinced cause I never say her lay, but she did have a brief stint with that Turq and he is definiately a bloke :!:
Fri May 20, 2005, 12:52 AM
Just an update My Goldern crystal has gone to my mates for her treatment, she will be wormed soon with another pair of Discus. I fly out Sun 6.30am to Bali.
I must admit its good not to look at her anymore.
I hope the next time I see her she will be better.
Fri May 20, 2005, 01:07 AM
just remember to put a lock on the zipper of your body board bag chris....... :shock:
and on all your suitcasses......
we dont want u getting caught with drugs do we...........
Fri May 20, 2005, 03:46 AM
I already warned him about that you cant be to careful u dont want to be sharing a cell with shapelle :cry:
Fri May 20, 2005, 07:23 AM
Thanks for the warning guys I bought some padlocks today, so If I get caught with anything I put it there. :P
Thu Jun 02, 2005, 12:43 PM
Hi Im back and healthy from my stint in Bali, I visited my Goldern Crystal today she is living with three other Discus dosnt look to bad shes been wormed and looks like she will be home soon. Aparently she dose dark poos I would like to see her eat first then I will quarentine at home.
Thu Jun 02, 2005, 01:09 PM
Sounds hopeful Chris. Hope she has made a full recovery.
Fri Jun 03, 2005, 02:37 AM
Good to see your've returned safely Chris and glad to hear your fish is on the mend let us know how she goes. Dont forget those pics of your mates white swan x virgin ss either and let us know how your babies go, glad to know someone else in my area has had success in breeding Karens got 3 proven pairs now which is exciting for me as i get first pick of all the bubs. :lol:
Sat Jun 04, 2005, 07:44 AM
Cheers Guys still havent brought here home yet. I wont to see her eat first, maybe tomorrow :!:
My turq pairs fry went missing They hatched the day before I went to Bali in community tank. Ive been back for two days and they have spawned again :wink:
I wont to put them In my hospital/breeding tank, but I think Ill put the Goldern in there for a few weeks when I get her back.
So Ill put it of for a while, give em some more practice.
Sun Jun 05, 2005, 09:25 AM
Shes home but her colour is very pale still, she is in my Breeding tank buy herself Im hoping to she her eat. Tmorrow Ill put a friend in there for some company.
Sun Jun 05, 2005, 09:51 AM
Chris, have you got the sides and back of the tank covered. It will help her to feel more secure.
Sun Jun 05, 2005, 10:12 AM
Yer Ive got the sides covered cheers :wink:
Tue Jun 07, 2005, 11:15 AM
Ive had her back for Three days Now shes in my breeding tank/quarintine Tank, and I wont her out. Shes with one of my Blue diamonds which she is picking on.
She is very pale still I havent seen her eat, but no white stringy poo,
Im woundering If it would be Ok to put them both into the community tank next week even if she not looking the best.
Maybe she would do better with a group of healthy Fish :?:
I wont them out soon so I can chuck my pair in there :?:
Tue Jun 07, 2005, 02:20 PM
If she has had the full treatment, and there is no sign of white poo, it's safe to put her back in with the others.
Discus are a schooling fish, and always do better with company.
Wed Jun 08, 2005, 07:35 AM
Im going to keep her in quaretine with my Blue diamond till Sat or Sun just to get a good look at her I still havent seen any white poo but she still isnt eating.
Mon Jun 13, 2005, 09:34 AM
Well what can I say my Glodern Crystal passed away today It was quite an awefull site. :cry:
She wasnt eating at home so I think she may have starved to Death.
She wasnt excreating any white feces. so I thought she was better.
Oh well Ive leanrt something I think.
I know why she got sick.
We had a power failure for about 5hrs one night, so all the good bacteria in my filters died causing my tank to recycle.
This is why my nitrates and nitrite levels sored.
From reading books talking to my LFS owner discus my cary certain bugs in them with my poor water conditions it came out.
So If I ever have another long black out is clean filters out do a water to get things back on track :cry:
My blue diamond is still in the tank by himself at the minute, Today I did a water change, do you think I should keep him in there for a while :argue
Mon Jun 13, 2005, 09:39 AM
sorry for your loss
Mon Jun 13, 2005, 11:58 AM
this was a sad story to read sorry about your loss i aslo have kept discus for 12 months without a loss but iam sure my time will come.
at the moment i have a blue diamond wont eat 6 days now startining to get a little concerned .How many weeks did your fish not eat for
Tue Jun 14, 2005, 01:41 AM
Gee Chris Im real sorry to hear about your loss and such a nice fish too but think of it as a learning curve for you.
I'd keep the bd in the quarantine tank for a little while to observe it, make sure its eating well and to make sure its poos are ok when everything is fine then move it back. If it eats bh you could crush some metro tabs into it and give it a dose that way just to be sure.
Tue Jun 14, 2005, 01:00 PM
I think in the end she didnt eat for at least a month properly, in her final week not at all.
See part way through her treatment I went on holiday and a freind looked after her when I got her back no white feces.
Her last night alive she started facing backwards in the tank.
Next morning Dead.......
Tue Jun 14, 2005, 01:39 PM
I'm so sorry Chris. You did everything you possibly could. :(
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