View Full Version : Not looking good.
Bill T.
Fri Apr 22, 2005, 10:58 PM
This morning my remaining two discus are looking very unwell. Loss of colour, fins cloudy, huddling in one corner. This follows what I thought has been a battle against flukes. I tried Prazi, then Sterazine at a double dose. Two small ones died. When the last two got cloudy fins, I added some Melafix with no initial problems, but now I think I might lose them.
I am going to do a water change this morning, tuen the U.V. back on, and run some carbon for a day to remove any medication and then just treat with Melafix... but I'm not hopeful.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Fri Apr 22, 2005, 11:14 PM
Bill, this is awful. Okay. Do a 100% waterchange. Remove all meds from the water and do not add anything. No salt, no melafix, nothing. Another 50% water change this afternoon, even if you have to use raw dechlorinated water from the tap. Certainly add carbon to the filter and turn your UV back on.
I don't like mixing meds of any kind. I know the aquarium shop said it would be okay to mix the sterazin with melafix, but it's not something I would do.
Bill, I'm going to PM you my mobile number. I'll be home today, so you can reach me any time if the need arises.
Bill T.
Sat Apr 23, 2005, 11:17 PM
Good Morning Merrilyn.
Some improvement overnight following 100% wc, carbon filtration & U.V. back on.
Both fish have better colour, not looking slimmy or "scummy" like yesterday, they both ate blood worms greedily, one of them tended to hide away (D1) whilst the other (D2) travelled about and picked at bits of leftovers on the substrate.
Their fins are still a bit cloudy, but less so. Pectoral fins are much clearer, whilst the tail fins are cloudy and a bit ragged on the edge, which I think will be from being netted and the associated fight they put up. Also the dorsal and anal fins are a bit ragged at the back edge.
I dont see any blood streaks in their fins. The ragged edges can look a bit white, which I hope is a lighting effect and not infection.
They both hide away if they see me, but if I sit still for a while they come out of hiding.
I did notice D1 "shimmy" a bit - he is the most affected by all this, and has been a bit reclusive for a while.
I will get some shell grit today - how much should I put in for 240 litres? Because I have a substrate, will it be difficult to see when it has dissolved? Would it be best to put it in a bag or something?
Now... watch & wait?....any further suggestions?
Sun Apr 24, 2005, 05:53 AM
Bill you're doing everything right. I think you should see a rapid improvement from here on in. Keep up with those daily water changes for a while yet.
With the shellgrit. I just leave a handful in a corner of the tank, and add to it each month. It takes a long, long time to break down.
Mon Apr 25, 2005, 10:02 PM
Hi Bill
I remember last year I got 6 discus sick at the same time, I tried every thing you name it, and I ended up saving one which is very healthy and growing fast now. So don't give up and they are tough as well.
It seems to me you have done every thing.
As per LD keep up with W/C daily and try not to stir the things up like when you are sick you just want to be quiet.
All the best
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