View Full Version : iam thinking of getting some discuss

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 08:07 AM
hey every body iam thinking of getting some discuss ive got a 4foot tank that i wanna setup for some but have to wait till i get rid of the oscar in it ...lol..just thought i should put a post up to see if any one can give me any info on weither to have planted tank,how many discuus,wat kind etc so any help will be appricated :D :D :D

cheers luke!!!

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 09:06 AM
Ok easier too go bare bottom for first time, for that tank you could fit 5 discus. Perfect as discus like too be in groups as they are a shoaling fish..

Varied diet, clean water and you will be on your way too haing some healty little discus..

Any question you need about setting up just ask...

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 09:21 AM
ok kewl,
i can still put plants in there like anubis on wood aye?
do u no wat kind would be good for me to start on iam gonna be looking at breeding these fish so wat evers best for breeder bigners...lol

cheers luke!!!

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 09:25 AM
Dont worry about breeding yet, first get small discus and grow them up. You'll learn more that way. Then you can use them too pair up.. So id be getting 2-3 of a strain and 2-3 of another.. Then you might end up with 2 pairs and you'll learn a heap from raising them..

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 09:33 AM
yea i might do that then if it helps me.do u no any kinds then i should get as my first discuss?

cheers luke!!!

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 09:36 AM
Get something you like, Turqs are a good starter but you might like something else.. Have a look around and find something you like..

Blue diamonds are a good starter too, but find something you like...

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 09:47 AM
H nem and welcome to the forum. There a lot of beautiful discus colours available. It depends on what you like. Turquoise are always popular, and the fry are always in demand. They are probably one of the easier strains to breed. If you like solid colours, you might like Blue Diamond. The reds are gorgeous, although maybe a bit more difficult to breed. I especially like Rose Red, Marlboro Red and Red Melons.

With 5 fish in your tank, I would suggest you stick with all the one colour if you want to try your hand at breeding. It's impossible to tell the sex of young discus, and the adults can be just as difficult to sex.

Five will give you a good chance of getting at least one or even two pairs.

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 09:59 AM
yea i might just go with the turquise as i no i can get them around here but i cant seem to find many other kinds ner me.
can u put angels with discus?

cheers luke!!!

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 10:06 AM
Luke, you can put angels in with discus BUT it can lead to all sorts of problems. Angels can carry all sorts of diseases, but show no symptoms themselves. The moment you put them in with discus, your discus will come down with problems.

In the early stages of discus keeping, I would suggest that you have the discus on their own. Once you have a few years experience, you might like to try some other tankmates.

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 10:13 AM
ok i will just leave by them selfs then. :D :D

cheers luke!!!

Thu Apr 21, 2005, 12:28 PM
hi luke wats crankin? yer gns have just gotten their new shipment in like i said a few days ago. i havent gone to see them yet but apparently they only got small discus in this time so it wont be to pricey for you.


Sun Apr 24, 2005, 07:21 AM
not to pricey aye :lol: i might have to go have a look then :wink:

cheers luke!!!