View Full Version : Discus turning Dark

Sun Feb 04, 2018, 11:55 AM
My Discus is turning Dark. I know this is common disease which discus face. But there could be many reasons for this but I dont want to start any medication before knowing the disease as discus is very shy and delicate fish. I am totally new to discus keeping earlier i used to keep flowehorn. I brought 6 discus of same size from same guy a week back i.e. 26th. Earlier they were very shy, Within two days i.e sunday evening they started moving round and started eating food. But from yesterday one of the discus started changing black like pitch black compared to its prior colour.
I dont why this happened suddenly with it..Is it because of stress or something else. And from today morning other discus also started showing some shyness or fear.

Other thing to note: Mine is a tank with just one filter and air pump and I changed water on Saturday morning like 30% and other thing there is one of my office colleague a bitch who tapped on tank when i was not around which scared fish. I have attached pics can some one tell me what the problem..And now I m afraid to change water and also clean the poop which i does everyday after they have their food since it will again scare the fish. I have also attached one photo 20180202_221750.jpg to see who it looked earlier.

Sun Feb 04, 2018, 04:17 PM
This is the problem with starting with Discus with no knowledge. Do a daily water change for now, at least 50%. Buy yourself a set of test kits and test the water parameters. Do you even have a working filter media? Too many questions, and nothing to go on. Get tested and come back and we/I can answer more. Butbfor now lots of fresh water. What temperature are they at? 28 to 30 degrees is advisable.

Tue Feb 27, 2018, 12:35 PM
There seems to be no water flow what so ever in that tank from the photos above, you need to have a filter that breaks the sureface of the water and its also good to have a couple of air stones too, fish need oxygen. Also, that heater is not fully submerged in the water, part of the glass of the heater is out of the water, that is highly dangerous. The rubber around the top of the heater should be under the water at all times. That said, a discus turns dark coloured when they are sick or frightened, more so sick. Please update us on how your fish are going now, did the dark one survive? Its ok to make mistakes when your learning, i have made my fair share don't worry. Hope to hear back from you soon :)