View Full Version : Worming Patterns

Wed Jun 21, 2017, 12:15 PM
Hey Guys,

I haven't been on here for awhile, lost the discus bug, anyway its back.

The question I have today, it appears that some of my guys have gill flukes so I was going to do an all round worm treatment, I used to use a product called Big L and Aquamaster Fluke and Tapeworm products. Basically Im after the sequence I am to use, Jothy had a great post about it years ago and Ive spent a good 30-1hr look for it with no luck. Does anyone have that sequence.


Sat Jul 08, 2017, 01:28 PM
Hi Rob,
bringing back memories
week 1 big L 1ml/7L
week 2 Prazi 1 tablet 20L
week 3 prazi 1 tablet 20L
week 4 big L 1ml/7L