View Full Version : Sick disus this morning!
Bill T.
Sun Apr 17, 2005, 11:26 PM
One of my discus became unwell overnight. This morning it seems to have lost it's balance, swims erraticaly, on it's side or even upside down at watersurface, belly seems bloated. The other three discus look fine, although the two larger ones have been pretty shy and picky with food since prazi treatment - it's day 7 post prazi.
The sick fish is one of two rather stunted fish that I've had for about three months. I had a third one but it died in similar circumstances.
I checked my water chemistry last night & everything is O.K. there. All fish looked fine last night. I'm about to do a water change today.
Any suggestions?
Mon Apr 18, 2005, 12:21 AM
Hi Bill gee your having some bad luck at the moment I had a fish that was losing his balance swimming frantically down to the bottom of the tank and swimming fast without actually going anywhere I did a wc and gave a big dose of epsom salts and it was fine 12 hours later. I dont dnow if yours has the same problem as mine did but if you think its bloat or gas do a wc and add some epsom salt, turn the lights off and see how he his tomorrow.
Bill T.
Mon Apr 18, 2005, 12:29 AM
Thanks Leanne.
Serves me right for taking in these refugee orphans.
I'm going to set up a hospital tank & put the little critter in there. Then give him the epsom salt treatment - see how he goes.
How much salt should I put in?
Mon Apr 18, 2005, 12:33 AM
Normally its 1 tablespoon per 40 ltrs but when mine got sick I added 1 1/2 tbs per 40 as mine looked pretty bad. Good luck
Mon Apr 18, 2005, 02:45 AM
Hi Bill
I would go with Leanne's suggestion. It should be fine in couple of hours.
Mon Apr 18, 2005, 03:27 AM
Good luck Bill. Unfortunately some of these stunted fish have genetic or internal problems. It's worth a try, but I have run on some runts from my own spawns, just to prove a theory, and they never seem to thrive, just exist. Their tankmates grow big and strong, and despite the same food, water conditions, worming treatment etc. they never grow into nice fish, and always look weedy.
I guess in nature they would never survive, and we are artificially keeping them going with our special care.
Bill T.
Mon Apr 18, 2005, 03:33 AM
Hi Merrilyn.
Thanks for your feedback.
I think nature is having its way with this little runt. Trouble is, I kinda like him!
Anyway, it was the last of a batch to be chosen, so I think there is some natural selection in progress.
Bill T.
Mon Apr 18, 2005, 12:06 PM
Spontaneous recovery!
By the time I got my hospital tank set up, the little critter was swimming around more or less properly again. By tonight, you wouldn't know anything was wrong, so I'm going to let it be.
At least now I have a quarantine/hospital tank if I need it.
Thanks for the feedback folks.
Tue Apr 19, 2005, 03:58 AM
Hi Bill
I am very happy for you too. Well done!!!
Tue Apr 19, 2005, 05:47 AM
Bill that's great. Seems like the little guy had a touch of gas. :lol:
Bill T.
Tue Apr 19, 2005, 06:43 AM
He is basically a greedy little gormandising pig ... le grand bouf al la discus!
Bill T.
Wed Apr 20, 2005, 12:51 AM
The little bugger died overnight. The other stunted one is looking unwell also - rapid breathing, staying near the water surface.
My other two larger fish look O.K. & I haven't seen any flicking or scratching going on (although they do remain a bit picky and reclusive - love the blood worms however).
I've started a twice daily Sterazin treatment (see "double dosing sterazine, illness & medication") fearing a return of flukes - it's been about 10 days since the last Prazi treatment & I had hoped the problem would have gone away?
Perhaps this is nature doing it's thing, but is there anything else I should be looking out for? Could this be a bacterial thing affecting already weakened gills in DNA deficient fish?
Wed Apr 20, 2005, 01:59 AM
That's a blow. Sorry to hear that Bill. You know my feelings on runted fish, but I hope the other little guy makes it.
Unfortunately this seems to be a common thing with these runts. They stagger from one setback to the next, never seeming to fully recover. The best advice I can give you, is always look for well grown, robust fish when purchasing. The eye should appear small for the size of the fish. Bringing home runts usually ends in heartache. Sorry Bill, it's a hard lesson.
Bill T.
Wed Apr 20, 2005, 05:40 AM
I am forced to my knees in agreement! Sob! Sob!
I do think I have had another surge of flukes, however. I treated 'em with Sterazin this morning and my two larger fish have picked up - swimming and chatting like they should - the remaining little fella will probably depart.
I'm going to try 6 days of sterazin B.D. & hopefully this time get this under control.
Thu Apr 21, 2005, 11:53 PM
So sorry to hear that Bill, and you have my prayer for the rest.
Bill T.
Fri Apr 22, 2005, 12:07 PM
Hi ctvu.
As predicted, the last little one shuffled off. Have you have been following the conversation about Sterazine double dosing? I started this the next day as it looked like they were starting to breath a bit fast again.
Now I find my remaining two have cloudy fins with a copuple of white patches, so I have started concurrent treatment with Melafix, which the lfs tells me is safe to use inconjunction with Sterazine .... but I'm nervous!!!!
Fri Apr 22, 2005, 12:18 PM
Hi Bill
Yes I have been reading your post. I am not too sure about if it is safe to use two Medication at the same time.Look like there is only one way to find out!!! or may be ladyred or Kev could help you out.
All the best
Bill T.
Sat Apr 23, 2005, 11:21 PM
Hi ctvu.
My advice after what has happened is never mix these medications.
I ended up doing a 100% wc as my remaining two discus looked real crook the next morning. They have improved a lot but still sport the hopefully temporary scars (cloudy, damaged fins). Scared the @@##** out of me!
Sun Apr 24, 2005, 05:59 AM
Bill knows my feelings on mixing medications, and I'm goint to go out on a limb here, and state that I NEVER mix different medications. To clarify, this is my opinion only, and maybe some of the other experienced discus breeders might like to jump in here and comment.
Rod, MAC or anyone else, want to add your thoughts here. Kev is on holiday for another few weeks, so we will ask his opinion when he gets back.
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