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Sat Dec 24, 2016, 09:18 AM
after many years i have decided to reenter the hobby. i have ordered a setup but have no fish yet. i hope to get group of baby discus, maybe 10 to 15 around 5cm and see how I go before the expense of larger discus.

Sun Dec 25, 2016, 09:07 AM
Hello and welcome to discus forum ;
We love to have you in here and please tell us about your experience in the hobby ,i also think that it is a wise decision to start with a group of small juvies and let them grow together ,please tell us the size of your tank and a photo when you are ready .
Good luck .

Mon Dec 26, 2016, 08:08 PM
I am keen but after spending hours reading many 'how to' articles is making me hesitant.

Tue Dec 27, 2016, 07:27 AM
Hi Fern, welcome!
I would be hesitant too if i had only researched Discus before jumping in the deep end with mine. You need to be a very experienced fish enthusiast to take on these bad boys! And my advice to you would be, very seriously, do not get baby or young discus to start with, they are a hell of a lot of work and you loose them left and right if your not prepared properly. Most will tell you that older, larger discus are better to start with as they are more resilient to disease and a little more easy to care for. This is something that needs to be thought through carefully, its a lot of money, time and heartache if you get it wrong. But if you get it right, my god they are the kings of the freshwater tanks! Sorry im blunt but i have learn the hard way and i think people need to know the truth at the start :)
Good luck!

Wed Dec 28, 2016, 02:35 AM
learn the hard way and i think people need to know the truth at the start :)
Good luck!
Drove to most of the local aquariums this morning. Really the selection of Discus was terrible. Small, uncoloured and expensive. Nothing like those offered from the large on line stores. One place I'd like to visit is the Lansvale shop. Long drive from here. Seem to have a good ad on Gumtree. Photos make them look great but I wonder about the real thing matching the photo.
Anyone seen those 9-10 cm selection?
Sabrina - I will read through some of your posts.