View Full Version : Cloudy water please explain
Thu Nov 17, 2016, 07:19 AM
Nitrate 10
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
PH 7
3 weeks ago I Cleaned out the filter. Cleaned all buckets bar one to keep some good bacteria going. Ever since my tank has looked like the picture. Looks worse in person . I left it for a week after cleaning the filter and it didn't clear up. Did a 50% water change and was clear for a few hrs and then cloudy again. Been putting good bacteria in each morning. Leaving it doesn't work and doing water changes doesn't work. This is the first time cloudy water hasn't cleared up over 24 hrs. Fish are happy just want to know what is going on
Thu Nov 17, 2016, 08:23 AM
Hi Bianca ;
Sorry to hear that ,please tell us ,
1. how old is your tank .
2. how many liter is your tank.
3 .what is your filter ,how many liter per hour.
4. what is your " good bacteria " that you add to the tank .
5. what is your temp.
I personally have no faith in live bacteria that you add from a container or bottle , at best they are dead bacteria and have no effect and at worst they contribute to the bloom e.g they contain glucose that promotes the bacterial bloom and cloudy water or they make your discus sick .
The other scenario which i suspect is the fact that your tank is going through a mini cycle but that should respond well to your w/c .
6. tell us your w/c regime i.e how much and how often .
That all i can think at the moment.
good luck
Thu Nov 17, 2016, 08:56 AM
Tank has been up for a year and a half but I don't have any gravel . weekly I do a 50% water change. Tank is 4ft at 200l and filter is running 2400l an hr temp is at 31c and using api bacteria I'm starting to think the filter might not be working prop because it's not clearing the water up.
Thu Nov 17, 2016, 09:37 AM
When was the last time you cleaned your canister filter.
when you solve this problem i suggest you use a prefilter sponge on your intake tube .
Thu Nov 17, 2016, 10:38 AM
Like I said it was 3 weeks ago and I cleaned all the buckets out but left one without cleaning it. A sponge from the filter on the intake? Won't that block the flow?
Thu Nov 17, 2016, 10:56 AM
should I do more WC . smaller amounts? Leave it for another week? Pull the filter apart again and make sure all is working fine? It is flowing fine and doesn't look like it's by passing anything because the water is cleaning coming out of the tubs its just the water is very cloudy
Thu Nov 17, 2016, 11:13 AM
You can do a little experiment and see how it goes ,i don't think there is any thing wrong mechanically wrong with your filter ,i would do small w/c like you said ,i would put a a sponge on the intake so the water has to go through the sponge first ,it might slow the flow but i doubt it will block it ,i then clean the sponge every day and observe ,i also stop putting API bacteria in the water ,give it a go and see what happens after a week.
Mon Nov 21, 2016, 12:55 PM
Usually the clowd is created by tons of bacteries, it usually happens while cycling the water. This bactery explosión is because of an ammonia pick, and they start to reproduce. It is normal in cycling, not while the fish are in the tank.
Probably, you need more bacteries or zones where the bacteries should be allocated. The bacteries allocate in the filter and dark zones of the aquarium, usually under the soil (they are photophobic, if a bit of light hits them, they create a barrier and they cannot reproduce). Dont clean the filter unless it is with water of the aquarium I would say, and maybe add some material that may act as biological filter.
Because of the story of what you did, I am quite sure this is the case.
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