View Full Version : Interview two discus aquarium masters, display tank and set up explained

Mon Nov 07, 2016, 06:58 AM
Hey everyone, my friend referred me to this forum today, I've had discus for about 5 years myself and was lucky enough to meet Scott and Shianne who have had these fish for decades. They are so humble, but are masters at this hobby, with Shianne's family having discus for over 30 + years. Their display tank is nothing short of spectacular, and after several times visiting they agreed to let me film their main discus display and interview them regarding basic but fundamental parts to the success of their aquarium.


Mon Nov 07, 2016, 02:40 PM
Hi Griffy, welcome to the forum.

That was a good video you posted and what a lovely tank that Scott and Shianne have. Always impressive to see big healthy fish. I hope Scott, Shianne and yourself stick around to be regular posters here.


Mon Nov 07, 2016, 08:37 PM
Really great video, thanks for putting that together, very helpful indeed. They are some very big thick discus, so healthy! :)

Thu Nov 10, 2016, 04:33 PM
Thank you both for your kind words, it was so much fun to film as the tank set up alone would of helped me greatly if I was just starting with discus. When I first started, there wasn't too much information within my fish network to look after them properly. Scott and Shianne gave me so many pointers. I'm enjoying the information on this forum immensely.