View Full Version : What do u think.
j fish
Sat Mar 27, 2004, 11:46 PM
Do any body out there think or even better know of an algee eatter that can safely( for discus sake ) be put into a planted 70gal tank,that will do a good job of maintaining the algee like a chiness algee eater? I know that my lightting is the main issue and working very hard to correct it but i really don't want to break down the tank and start all over :oops:
Sun Mar 28, 2004, 12:02 AM
What type of Algae have you got in the tank???
Is it Black Hair algae, green slimy stuff or something else... it may be as easy as blacking the tank out for a few days... another thing to look at is a Phosphate sponge in your filter and reduce the amount you are feeding the fish...
j fish
Sun Mar 28, 2004, 02:20 AM
thx, in progess of doing that,I have both slimy stuff and hairy stuff. on plants on subtrate on glass
Sun Mar 28, 2004, 04:03 AM
Bristlenose plecs (Ancistrus) would be fine to keep in a discus tank but they won't eat hair algae.
Siamese Algae eaters will eat hair algae but I've never kept them with discus and am unsure how the discus would fare with them.
As you probably know CAE's with discus would be a bad combination because of their aggressive nature and bad habit of sucking on tje slime coats of fish.
Sun Mar 28, 2004, 08:08 AM
I have a 4' planted tank with 3 small SAE, and 6 Discus, and they are living together just fine.
I have always kept SAE's with discus in this tank,
and have never had a problem with SAE sucking on discus, and my last 2 SAE were huge !!
SAE's are the only things that keep the hair algae in check.
Never managed to keep Bristlenose alive for more than a year. :-(
Fri May 14, 2004, 02:24 PM
flying fox's are great I have 2 in my tank and they do quite well with my pleco
Sat May 15, 2004, 02:39 AM
There was another post about SAE's and the fake SAE's you might find it hard to find the real SAE's as i did, but i asked my lfs to get some in for me which he did. The fake SAE's wont touch algea so make sure you get the real ones. Anyway take a look at that other post for a more detailed explaination.
Chris McMahon
Sat May 15, 2004, 08:08 AM
I've got SAEs (see below), Albino corys and (soon) royal whiptail Farlowellas. All are ok with discus and 29-30 degree temps.
Althought I'm pretty sure that my SAE are actually "False siamensis" (Epalzeorhynchus sp.), which means once they get bigger they are going to be a pain in the arse. They are in a heavily planted tank at the moment and the chance of getting them out without tearing the entire tank down is pretty low. :x
Just make sure your lfs knows more about SAEs than mine did if you decide to get some.
I must say, my little albino corys are a pleasent surprise. Little buggers never stop working. :D
Sat May 15, 2004, 01:46 PM
I love all cory's i have a pair of albino's in with the discus that do a great job, but hopefully one day i will have enough tanks to collect as many as the cory spieces as possible. I know a mate who works at a lfs who has about 50-60 different types. Still a long way off but alot closer than me.
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