View Full Version : Suggestions / Critique on tank set up
Sun Sep 25, 2016, 10:19 AM
Hi, after a disastrous first attempt with discus, terrible bore water hardness, total inexperience and a overkill of chemicals I'm now almost ready to try again. I currently have a 400 L Aquaone tank with sump, standard sponge media and bio balls, pumped by a 3600 Moray. Have 2 heaters (considering putting these in the sump) and 4 x T5s (2 x blue, 2 x white). Fixed the WH with RO system (mix of 80% RO & 20% bore - pH sits at 7.2, GH at 89.5 & KH at 107.4, however previous testing showed the GH & KH dropped to 3 TDS after 24 hrs of aging??, so anticipate the same.
I've transfered the 200L to the verandah to use as a holding/aging tank for WC and as an emergency backup/hospital; running the fluval U4 with 1x White T5. I'm considering planting some Anubias and Amazon sword to gain experience with live plants as don't want to stuff up my main tank through inexperience?
Have a 500 litre water tank holding pure R/O water, advantage of living bush!
Not purchasing discus until December as want to make sure the w/parameters are all good and system runs well.
I expect some changes in the WP in the main tank as its only been up and running for two weeks - was going to do fish less cycling but had a problem of what to do with the Gouramis, clown loaches and corys (all but the corys will be going before the discus arrive).
Any suggestions / critique would be appreciated 😀
Haven't learnt how to post pic yet, otherwise would've put a pic up 😊
Sun Sep 25, 2016, 11:16 AM
Hi Krissy;
one thing which comes to my mind is that anubias and amazon sword are both low tech plant i.e do not need much light and if you are moving your 200 l tank to your verandah assuming it is outside ,there is enough light so you don't need your T5 etc,and therefore less chance of algae .
Sun Sep 25, 2016, 01:30 PM
Hi Sayid,
Thank you for the feedback. That was something I hadn't given thought to and makes total sense. Appreciate the advice. Cheers
Mon Sep 26, 2016, 07:38 AM
Sounds ok Krissy,
I would still opt for the fishless cycle, you have plenty of time to get that perfect if your fish are not arriving until December. You say you are getting rid of the cories... I would suggest getting rid of the clown loaches as these can be quite bullying to discus, the gouramis depending on size will be ok.
As for photos, use a photo host like Photobucket upload to there and use the link for each photo (copy and paste) into the thread and it will show your photo here. Easy enough once you get the hang of it.
Tue Sep 27, 2016, 10:30 AM
Hey Hollowman, thanks for advice. I was going to get rid of the clown loaches and Gouramis but keep the corydoras. Really wanted to keep the Gouramis as they are three beautiful little fish; I'm purchasing medium sized discus as want the larger ones rather than juvies. I'd been advised Someone else and by LFS not to keep Gouramis with the discus even though they're dwarf Gouramis. You've given excellent advice in the past to me - I'm taking it that you don't see any issues with keeping the Gouramis? If that's the case I'd rather keep them. :D
Tue Sep 27, 2016, 09:30 PM
The dwarf Gouramis will be ok, it's when they get big they can be quite aggressive. Can you post photos of the new discus...before buy them, it would be good to critique first to save problems later :-)
Thu Sep 29, 2016, 01:18 AM
Thanks Hollowman for your kind offer. As soon as I decide which supplier I'm spending my money with I will post pics once chosen. They will either be Discus from IP (Tony Tan) or from Discus Na. Both appear to be very reputable breeders. prepared to pay for good quality rather than the run of the mill discus in Darwin, after all (hopefully) it'll be a one off purchase of six to eight discus for a long time to come.
Thu Sep 29, 2016, 09:14 AM
Cool, Tony Tan is a good breeder. no worries
Mon Oct 24, 2016, 07:42 AM
Mon Oct 24, 2016, 07:43 AM
Sorry all trying to post photos from photobucket and obviously not successfully
Mon Oct 24, 2016, 09:19 AM
don't worry it took me a few attempt to getting it right.
Sun Oct 30, 2016, 04:41 AM
Haha, think I'm going to be the same Sayid, I'll keep trying :D
Sun Oct 30, 2016, 10:11 AM
I can see your photos Krissy, are they all yours?
Sun Oct 30, 2016, 11:14 AM
Krissy, i was going to ask the same question ,have you got these beauties in your own tank?
Sun Oct 30, 2016, 10:49 PM ( ( (
Yes, they are all mine, if I'm doing it right I have just copied some more settled into their tank. Can't quiet work out how to drop the picture in rather than the IMG. I'm very happy with them..hoping you guys find they are well bred discus ;)
Sun Oct 30, 2016, 10:51 PM (
Yay, seems I got it right... here's one more
Sun Oct 30, 2016, 11:05 PM
Beautiful fish .... all of them. The two BD's are stunning, the RT is super nice, what strain was it sold as? The San Mera is one I have always liked too. The PB's and the yellow (again interested what name is has been described as) are lovely. I am jealous.
For me though, I would have shown some self control and just got the best of one variety. Reason being is that with young adult fish, you know that with proper care they are going to want to pair up, and you can't go crossing non similar strains like PB+BD.
But that's me.
I am though seriously happy with your choice of fish, tony tan is a great breeder, no doubting their pedigree. Well done Krissy
Sun Oct 30, 2016, 11:19 PM
Thank you so much Hollowman. The RT was sold as a 'Fire Ruby';'the yellow is a 'lemon yellow'. They are all actually Martin Ng discus purchased from Living Reef in Burleigh Heads, Qld. I take yr point re: breeding. Not intending to breed but I love these fish and if I can keep my guys happy and healthy may end up with more tanks and purchasing the right breeding mates (based on lots of research and questions) but at this stage just happy to have these gorgeous fish and keep them happy. And ur right, lol, I had absolutely no restraint.
Sun Oct 30, 2016, 11:28 PM
Cool, I would be really chuffed too. Good to know you have a good supplier in Aus now.
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