View Full Version : Blue diamond with white poo

Sun Sep 25, 2016, 07:19 AM
Any ideas what to treat this guy with? Hiding and not eating with white poo

Sun Sep 25, 2016, 08:12 AM
Hi Bianca;
It usually (but not always ) is hex ,if you have a hospital tank put him in there other wise you have to treat him in the display tank ,bump the heater to 32 c , get hold of metronidazol ,
day 1 50% water change then medicate with 10 mg per liter of tank water , switch the light off
day 2 rest
day 3 50% w/c medicate with 10 mg per liter of tank water
day 4 rest
day 5 50% w/c medicate the same
during this period feed less than normal ,also you can feed them beef heart with metronidazol in it let say 1% ,that way you get metro in to the body , there are stickies on the forum regarding how to make the medicated food.
hope this helps

Sun Sep 25, 2016, 10:05 AM
I almost forgot at 32 c your fish will have bigger appetite which helps but there will be less oxygen available in the water therefore you will need a airstone or two to help discus with enough oxygen.

Mon Sep 26, 2016, 07:40 AM
Metro is difficult to source in Aus I believe, so as an alternative, there is a product called Esha Hex, also worth finding and keeping in your med kit for the fish.