View Full Version : Need Help - Unattended Fish Tank

Wed Jun 22, 2016, 08:33 PM
Hi all,

I'm new in the forum and new to Discus as well. I currently have a 55 gallons fish tank and is using 2 of the eheim 2215 filters. I will be leaving the country for a month and I can't find anyone to change water for me, they can only feed the fish for me. It's not idealistic but what should I do? Can I leave it like that for a month without changing the water?

Any suggestions would help.

Thank you

Thu Jun 23, 2016, 08:45 AM
Use an auto feeder , cut down the feeding to once or twice a day, to help reduce the waste down, the water will be fine , just make sure you do a few big water changes before and after you get back from holidays.

Fri Jun 24, 2016, 04:07 AM
Use an auto feeder , cut down the feeding to once or twice a day, to help reduce the waste down, the water will be fine , just make sure you do a few big water changes before and after you get back from holidays.

Also, I recently just put a medium size driftwood into the tank. I believe this piece wood is releasing tannins and it's making my water turn yellow (tea color like). By the 3-4th day after WC, colors comes back. My question is, should i take this piece of driftwood out before I leave and put it back in once i'm back? or is it ok to just leave it in there?