View Full Version : Please review/critique my setup before I purchase my first Discus
Thu Mar 03, 2016, 03:26 AM
This will be my first Discus tank, in the past I have kept a tropical community tank and a Turtle, but not Discus!
This is my equipment:
Tank: 4ft x 2ft x 2ft (453 Liters) with Pool Filter Sand substrate (Pic of Tank/Cabinet:
Filter 1: Aqua One Nautilus 2700 UV Canister filter (2700 L/ph) (
Filter 2: Biopro 2200 UV Canister filter (2200 L/ph) (
Each Canister filter contains: Activated Carbon Pellets (, Seachem Matrix (, Biopro Aqua Bacteria House Bio Bakki Balls (
Heaters: 2 x Fluval Heater 300watt ( One is set 1 degree lower to be a backup.
Lighting: T5 High Output Twin Fluorescent Light Unit (120cm) (
Globe 1: T5 High Output Fluorescent Actinic Blue Globe 54W 46" (
Globe 2: T5 High Output Fluorescent Tropical Pink Globe 54W 46" (
Powerhead: Cheap eBay brand, couldn't tell you the specs but it moves water around okay.
I will obviously let the tank go for a while for water parameters to become correct, however once it is correct this is what I am thinking of stocking, according to Aqadvisor this should all work pretty well. I am thinking of getting all fish from
Stocking List:
8 x Discus ( (Symphysodon aequifasciatus)
30 x Cardinal Tetra ( (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
30 x Rummynose Tetra ( (Hemigrammus bleheri)
6 x German Blue Ram ( (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)
6 x Sterbai Cory ( (Corydoras sterbai)
2 x Bristlenose Pleco ( (Ancistrus sp.)
I do not have an exact idea of what Discus I want, I am aiming to order all my fish from that one website. I want a range of colors but particularly like Red and Blue. Suggestions?
Will I have any issues with compatibility of the fish above?
Will the 2 filters be too much flow for the Discus to be comfortable?
Is the Lighting okay? I would like some plants so have decided to stick with the T5 over getting LED, although the T5 will only be on when I am home after work, which is ~6hrs per day. Is that enough? If not I will get a timer.
Anyone I have forgotten?
I really appreciate the help, I have always thought Discus look incredible in a nice tank with white sand, some plants and a few schooling fish around them so that is what I am going for.
Sat Mar 05, 2016, 10:14 PM
Hi Matt - I have been keeping discus for about 8yrs in a planted setup with CO2 etc etc. Couple comments on your proposed setup:-
1. One filter should be adequate and consider a spray bar in lieu of single 'jet' nozzle' into the tank. Due to the shape of discus, they tend to get blown around a tank with lots of turbulence. They don't like it and will tend to just hand around in low flow areas of the tank depending on what you have in it. Just stick with one filter IMO. 2,700 will be more than adequate. I would use the money you're saving and buy Purigen to put into the filter.
2. Use 40L per discus for your sizing. With all the other fish, I think your discus quantity is on the top end for a new tank. I would start with four and add once the environment settles;
3. I see you're in Ballarat - not sure what Aquarium shops they have in town but it's worth considering some purchases from a reputable aquarium shop that can provide advice - I've gleaned an enormouse amount from websites and my own failures/successes, but good help along with the way with discus can help. Watch this video:
4. Fish compatability looks fine although I'd wind back the tetra quantities, just stick with Cardinal's if that's the kind of coin you're looking to spend - 60 tetras with 8 discus will look very busy in a 4ft IMO;
5. Stick with LEDs, there nothing wrong with them. Just get good quality lighting systems. I've had mine for fours in a planted tank and had many month when I've removed shopping bags of plant growth. Lighting should mimic the usual day routine so the fish don't get too out of sync - suggest 11am on to 8pm off in a planted tank.
You've forgotten plants.
I'd get the tank, filtration, plants etc etc going first (if you're wanting a planted tank) before adding the discuss - get the environment established and the consistent, then add the jewels in the crown.
Happy to send more info - my tank in the attached
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Sun Mar 06, 2016, 01:32 AM
My thoughts:
1. Checkout Aquatico, they stock Forrest discus (well known breeder), I'd get all 8 at once and all mature fish, will cost you more $ up front but they're hardier and more chance of survival, less feeding etc.
2. No compatibility issues with your choice for fish, I've had all of those at some point, I'd go rummy's or cardinals as a school not both
3. I'd keep 2 filters, that way you can give one a good clean without impacting the good bacteria in the other filter
4. They don't need much light, T5 will be fine but will suck power, be hotter etc. I swapped my T5s for a Fulval LED, I'd also get a timer
5. Start stocking with the cardinals, plecos etc, don't be in a hurry to get your discus, if you can keep your community fish alive for 4+ months you're ready to add the discus
6. Think about how you're going to do water changes, 400+ litres will need a 200L water change twice weekly, only way to do this is drums and trolleys
7. Keep that Ajax bottle away from the tank
Sun Mar 06, 2016, 09:44 PM
Just stick with one filter IMO. 2,700 will be more than adequate. I would use the money you're saving and buy Purigen to put into the filter.
No problem I already own the 2700L/ph filter but not the 2200 so I will just stick with the one I have, it has a spray bar. Would this ( purigen be okay?
I would start with four and add once the environment settles;
Okay no problem, I can start with just 4. I heard that it is better to get more at once as they feel more comfortable in a group, rather than being small group of small fish in a large tank.
3. I see you're in Ballarat - not sure what Aquarium shops they have in town but it's worth considering some purchases from a reputable aquarium shop that can provide advice
We have basically no good Aquarium shops in Ballarat, I am going to have to buy all my fish from either online stores or check out shops around Melbourne. Not sure who is reputable though.
4. Fish compatability looks fine although I'd wind back the tetra quantities, just stick with Cardinal's if that's the kind of coin you're looking to spend - 60 tetras with 8 discus will look very busy in a 4ft IMO;
Hmm okay, I hadn't thought about too busy, was only thinking about not having it look plain and boring haha.
5. Stick with LEDs, there nothing wrong with them. Just get good quality lighting systems. I've had mine for fours in a planted tank and had many month when I've removed shopping bags of plant growth. Lighting should mimic the usual day routine so the fish don't get too out of sync - suggest 11am on to 8pm off in a planted tank.
I already own the T5 which is why I suggested them, but I can buy a LED fixture if you think it is better. Could you recommend a LED brand/fixture?
You've forgotten plants.
I'd get the tank, filtration, plants etc etc going first (if you're wanting a planted tank) before adding the discuss - get the environment established and the consistent, then add the jewels in the crown..
Yep that is my plan, I will get the tank up and running in the next 2 weeks, then wait a couple months before adding the Discus. I am not entirely sure what type of Plants to get, I was just going to get whatever I thought looked good :/
Thanks for your help!
Sun Mar 06, 2016, 09:56 PM
My thoughts:
1. Checkout Aquatico, they stock Forrest discus (well known breeder), I'd get all 8 at once and all mature fish, will cost you more $ up front but they're hardier and more chance of survival, less feeding etc.
2. No compatibility issues with your choice for fish, I've had all of those at some point, I'd go rummy's or cardinals as a school not both
Thanks for that, they look good. Wish I had my tank setup they have a special on Cardinals at the moment! I think I will stick to just the Cardinals.
3. I'd keep 2 filters, that way you can give one a good clean without impacting the good bacteria in the other filter
4. They don't need much light, T5 will be fine but will suck power, be hotter etc. I swapped my T5s for a Fulval LED, I'd also get a timer
I am thinking for only $100 it might be worth getting that second filter, however I am concerned about how much water flow will be in the tank, but if I aim one at the top of the water and one down the back of the tank that would make my Discus more likely to be at the front of the tank right? In the area I will be looking at rather than hidden down
5. Start stocking with the cardinals, plecos etc, don't be in a hurry to get your discus, if you can keep your community fish alive for 4+ months you're ready to add the discus
6. Think about how you're going to do water changes, 400+ litres will need a 200L water change twice weekly, only way to do this is drums and trolleys
That was my plan, get the little fish first and not add the Discus for a few months. I am away over Easter so I wanted to set the tank up now, and have it running for a while and not put any fish in until after Easter.
Could you go into more detail on the drums and trolleys? I am aware that it needs frequent water changes but can I not just put in tap water with water conditioner?
7. Keep that Ajax bottle away from the tank
Haha yes that is only for external use, none of that goes in the tank. With the blue light it does look like I have filled the tank with Ajax though :D
Mon Mar 07, 2016, 12:29 PM
Matt - I've had a few aquarium shops and online forums comment positively about Purigen ( I won't claim to be an expert in its performance because I added bags of the stuff well after my 6ft was established but I would say organic waste removal has improved and general water clarity is better since I started using it. It's not cheap.
According to Google earth you're about 1:20min from Melbourne (114km). If it were me, and I was spending your kind of budget with the quantity of fish and plants you're looking for, I'd be planning an all day trip to Melbourne and go visit a number of fish shops, work out who has what you need then purchase at the end of day and bring them home. Trip one would be plants and what ever other hardware you need. While you're shopping for plants you can see who has decent fish stocks, discus in particular. Trip 2 after another couple weeks would be tetras, corys etc Trip 3 after 4weeks and you're happy everything is OK would be the discus pending stock availability for the strands you're chasing. Need to make sure water parameters are stable, you're not growing more algae than plants each day and general tank health is good i.e. water is clear, pH stable etc etc
T5s are OK mate. I just like LEDs because their intensity lasts a lot longer and you can incorporate smarts like dimming etc which I've done with my setup to replicate sunrise/sunset etc
Hope that helps - happy to have a chat if its easier and you have more questions. I've tried and failed many times and there's no one answer as you can gauge from some of the different opinions between my response and 'jimstreet'.
Good luck
Fri Mar 11, 2016, 02:24 AM
Hi Matt,
Great thread. I'm setting up my first discus tank too, with a lot of the same fish and a lot of the same questions. It's a 735l (150 x 70 x 70) tank, heavily planted. Photo below.
On your stocking questions you might be interested in my experience with cardinals. I've got 20, had been thinking about 30-35. I was really surprised how much visual space the 20 took up. I don't have any desire to make the school bigger.
Hope you don't mind my adding a few stocking questions of my own to the thread. Here are my plans:
Planned stocking
- 6-8 discus
- 20 cardinals (already there)
- 10-12 rummynose
- 8-10 marble hatchets
- 7 otos (already there)
- 6 sterbai catfish
- 2 blue rams (already there)
- 6 or 8 discus? I'll probably get all of 1 type, hopefully F1s. I'm thinking 6 to keep it less crowded (visually and for stocking level), but my LFS thinks 8 might reducing bullying in the group.
- Will having 3 types of dither fish (cardinals, rummynose and hatchets) look cluttered?
- Should I add another pair of blue rams? I don't really want to, but the male really beats on the female and I'm wondering if adding another pair might distract him.
Fri Mar 11, 2016, 11:15 PM
- 6 or 8 discus? I'll probably get all of 1 type, hopefully F1s. I'm thinking 6 to keep it less crowded (visually and for stocking level), but my LFS thinks 8 might reducing bullying in the group.
With your size tank I'd go 8, they will fight regardless
- Will having 3 types of dither fish (cardinals, rummynose and hatchets) look cluttered?
I think it would look cluttered with 3 different schools, I prefer all cardinals as I like the blue flash
- Should I add another pair of blue rams? I don't really want to, but the male really beats on the female and I'm wondering if adding another pair might distract him.
I would add another pair, I had 2 pairs and they seemed to all get on
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