View Full Version : Discus harrasment need help!!!

Mon Aug 17, 2015, 02:17 PM
Hey guys my discus is attacking the other do I put it in a separation box if soo for how long ?? It is there any other options??? What do I do help now already got them separated picture attached but its an old photo but the more colourful one is harassing the other can anyone tell me what sex they are and what kind of discus aswell?

Mr Wild
Mon Aug 24, 2015, 08:27 AM
Cant see any picture. Cichlids are notorious for this behaviour. You are better off with a group if your tank can support it. They need a pecking order in their world and this is what you are seeing. When it gets really bad i take the bully out for a couple of weeks, this allows the others to get their hierarchy right before i put the old bully back. Sometimes works lol