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View Full Version : Have I got worms???

Tue Jun 02, 2015, 12:58 PM
Hey guys
Recently adopted 2 discus fish from a friend of mine as he was heading back to the mines and had no one to look after them. this is my first experience with discus fish. Have been in the hobby for 3 years now so i have a good understanding of parameters etc. Im just a little concerned with the larger of the two as he does not seem to feed as aggressively as the other discus and predominately goes for blood worms. I have a concern of internal parasites after the relocation.
So my questions are
What are the tell tale signs of internal parasites in discus?
Has anyone used kusuri wormer plus and how often?
feedback would be great

Fri Jun 05, 2015, 11:22 AM
Worms you should see white stringy pooh, if they are still doing normal dark poohs then should be okay. If you have just moved them then they can sometimes be fussy to start eating again.

As for kursuri wormer plus I used it a week ago as a preventative as I had added fish from two sources so just wanted to be safe. All worked fine and no issues.

Fri Jun 05, 2015, 04:11 PM
Thanks for the reply
The thing is I have not seen him "pooh" and I'm pritty observernt around feed and w/c times. He eats often but dosent look like he's been fed nor does he beg for food. The smaller of the two acts the way many people state as normal discus behaviour. Will be buying the Kusuri as I have read people worming on a monthly basis. Does anyone no if kusuri is harmful to khuli loaches??