View Full Version : ph and temperture
Sat Mar 27, 2004, 08:55 PM
I have been told the lower the ph such as 6.0 and a water temperture of 84 for discus will keep them healther true or not does a lwer ph in a tank help with control of disease thanks tacks
Sat Mar 27, 2004, 10:25 PM
I don't really think that lower pH will keep the fish healthier, but it sure will help them breed once they are mature! Juvie discus (2" or so) actually do better in slightly alkaline water (up to 8.0 pH).
As for temperature, they do like it warm. I keep mine at 86*F as they seem to stress if it gets any cooler.
Mon Mar 29, 2004, 01:50 PM
Hi Tacks,
I agree with LuvFishies.
Lower pH also stabilises Ammonia.
Something about ionisation of Ammonium ( NH3 )
into Ammonia NH4+ & OH-.
In an acidic tank Ammonia is much reduced therefore unlikely to harm your fish.
You just have to be carefull to keep it acidic else
as it turns basic the ammonia is released and your fish get ammonia burns and die.
A trace of ammonium at 6.0 could be deadly if the pH increased above 7
as ammonia is produced.
Stability is the key, whether it is 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 or 7.2
Keep it stable and your fish should be OK.
Different story if you want the little b*ggers to breed.
Then you got to drop it to below 6.5. :)
Mon Mar 29, 2004, 08:25 PM
By keeping fish in ph levels which are out side it’s natural you are subjecting that fish to a whole new set of pathogens which are not usually found in it’s own environment, for example there are bacteria which are gram negative and thrive in alkaline water, these bacteria cause cotton fungus, while also found in slightly acidic water the disease factor is far less frequent in ph less than 6.7.
Sat Apr 03, 2004, 11:05 AM
I keep all my discus ina ph of around 7.5( that happens to be my tapwater ph) with no ill effects at all. They are healthy and brightly colored. for breeding i do lower the conductivity and ph but general keeping as long as the ph is between about 6 to 8 it will be fine. the most important criteria imo as far as ph is concerned is that the ph remains stable.
Temp should be about 28c.
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