View Full Version : Discuss lights
Tue Mar 10, 2015, 11:29 PM
Hi Folks,
I am in the process of setting up a new tank for discuss.
I bought a new tank its 6*2*2 and a eheim 2260 canister filter.
I need your help to buy a sitable light for my tank ,also
i have read in some other post that discuss prefer to be in
darker area.
I am just confused about what kind of lighting will be good for this
fish and also which looks good for the tank aswell.
Wed Mar 11, 2015, 06:17 AM
Hi Pran Welcome,
yes discus prefer more subdued lighting but quickly become accustomed to normal / bright lighting.
if you have a 6x2x2 tank you have loads of options you'll just need to decide what kind of look you want.
if you want more of a slimline look, 2x 3 foot t5's or LED;s would do the trick but the LED's could get pricy for decent ones.
there's always the old school fluro lights which always work well enough.
A look I love at the moment is what some of the reef guys are doing with cool running LED floodlights (PAR38's etc) to give bright and dark parts to the tank a couple of 6500k midday bulbs and clamp lamps and your way, but the look isn't conventional. (attached photo from nano reef)
jump onto google and I'm sure you'll find inspiration as to the look you want to achieve
Tue Mar 17, 2015, 12:21 AM
Thanks for your reply.
Could you please advise which LED lights are the best and the price.
Also if i use the 2x 3 foot t5's does this would be enought if so i can save on this.
What kind of light are those which you attached in the thread.
Tue Mar 17, 2015, 03:59 AM
I've tried a few light setups for my discus tank and I am finally happy with a Fluval Aqualife & Plant Performance LED. Most LEDs are cool and don't show off the discus too well, colour/shadows etc. I really like the visual colour of the Fluval and it also provides the plants (Amazon Swords) with the correct spectrum. Discus don't need a lot of light but your plants might. This will influence the decision of what light you need.
Tue Mar 17, 2015, 07:10 AM
You really need to decide what look you want. If you don't intend to keep plants and are happy with even conventional lighting then a 6 foot flouro setup will be fine. If you want to grow some non demanding plants like anubias and Java fern then look at a t5 or led light. On a tank like yours you would need 4x39w t5s to keep the plants alive.
If you want to get adventurous you could look at the par38's I posted above that way you'll get bright and subdued lighting within the tank. On a 6footer you'd want to use 4-5 spotlights and it's up to your imagination or engineering skills how you do it.
You could get a great effect with some warm - neutral white par38's off eBay for about $20 each add in $8-12 for some single or double sockets used for umbrella lighting and some cheap stainless up rights and you'd have an magnificent custom lighting setup for under $250 that will never need a bulb change.
It all comes down to you and how you want your tank to look.
I'll diy up some examples on the weekend as I'm redoing the lighting on my 5x2.5x2.5 tank to try and give you some ideas
Wed Mar 18, 2015, 03:53 AM
I've tried a few light setups for my discus tank and I am finally happy with a Fluval Aqualife & Plant Performance LED. Most LEDs are cool and don't show off the discus too well, colour/shadows etc. I really like the visual colour of the Fluval and it also provides the plants (Amazon Swords) with the correct spectrum. Discus don't need a lot of light but your plants might. This will influence the decision of what light you need.
Thanks Jimstreet
I was checking for the Fluval Aqualife & Plant Performance LED and the reviews all are good .So for a 6 feet length tank which one should i go for and any idea about the price?
Wed Mar 18, 2015, 08:38 AM
A couple of 3 footers would do as they don't make a 6 footer.
Wed Mar 18, 2015, 07:26 PM
You really need to decide what look you want. If you don't intend to keep plants and are happy with even conventional lighting then a 6 foot flouro setup will be fine. If you want to grow some non demanding plants like anubias and Java fern then look at a t5 or led light. On a tank like yours you would need 4x39w t5s to keep the plants alive.
If you want to get adventurous you could look at the par38's I posted above that way you'll get bright and subdued lighting within the tank. On a 6footer you'd want to use 4-5 spotlights and it's up to your imagination or engineering skills how you do it.
You could get a great effect with some warm - neutral white par38's off eBay for about $20 each add in $8-12 for some single or double sockets used for umbrella lighting and some cheap stainless up rights and you'd have an magnificent custom lighting setup for under $250 that will never need a bulb change.
It all comes down to you and how you want your tank to look.
I'll diy up some examples on the weekend as I'm redoing the lighting on my 5x2.5x2.5 tank to try and give you some ideas
Waiting for the updates from you to get more ideas....
Thu Mar 19, 2015, 06:22 AM
No prob, I built the stands last night with some aluminium tube from Bunnings I'll try and get them mounted tonight on the tank and maybe get some lights in. Here's my Nano at work as a tease on a cheap $20 stand from guppy's. The bulb is my 12w prototype 18000K marine bulb (way too blue for a planted tank) while I wait for my new full spectrum tropical bulbs to be manufactured.
Thu Mar 19, 2015, 06:48 AM
A couple of 3 footers would do as they don't make a 6 footer.
I love that light! for a 6x2 foot print you would need 4-6 of those to grow plants well, just due to coverage, also that type of LED may not have the PAR at depth for a plants.
All that being said for a discus only non planted tank 2 of them would look amazing!
Thu Mar 19, 2015, 09:26 AM
here you go.
the stands cost me $40 from Bunnings, each uses a 1.8m length of 25x25mm connect it aluminium, a 25x25x600 length and an elbow, the rail is a 16mm chrome steel rod 1.2m long and its held in place with a couple of 15mm saddles and 12mm screws. Still need to tidy the wires from the lamp holders.
The lamp holders are off ebay $15 each (I had to change the plugs to AU)
The bulbs cost me $30 each from China and are 14000k full spectrum marine lights.
So for change from $200 its not bad, it looks darker than it is due to the camera phone, but I've already quantified the output of a single bulb at a height of 750mm and know it 100 PAR in a 40cm diameter dropping off to 20 par at 55cm plenty for plants.
I've angled the light to light up the back and darken the front for my L134's and L066's
Thu Mar 19, 2015, 10:09 AM
here you go.
the stands cost me $40 from Bunnings, each uses a 1.8m length of 25x25mm connect it aluminium, a 25x25x600 length and an elbow, the rail is a 16mm chrome steel rod 1.2m long and its held in place with a couple of 15mm saddles and 12mm screws. Still need to tidy the wires from the lamp holders.
The lamp holders are off ebay $15 each (I had to change the plugs to AU)
The bulbs cost me $30 each from China and are 14000k full spectrum marine lights.
So for change from $200 its not bad, it looks darker than it is due to the camera phone, but I've already quantified the output of a single bulb at a height of 750mm and know it 100 PAR in a 40cm diameter dropping off to 20 par at 55cm plenty for plants.
I've angled the light to light up the back and darken the front for my L134's and L066's
Brilliant! Its enough for a lot of plants. Do your lights come with sunrise/sunset setting? Otherwise, would you be able to DIY?
Thu Mar 19, 2015, 10:46 AM
LOL these aren't for sale I only had a few units built up (10 each of the blue whites and 10 of the colour) to test concepts so I didn't waste all my time on full sized rigs (saves ALOT of resoldering).
Most have been given away to friends to replace single MH setups. I think I have 5 colours and 5 blue whites left.
Yes these are dimmable via a slide dimmer like the $20 ones from Ikea These no fancy dimmers or electronic functionality in the bulbs themselves, these are just plain par38s with a custom mix of cree and bridgelux chips and 60 optics. The units in the pic are 19w vs the 12w prototype I posted earlier (the bridgelux chips need a little more juice to match the intensity of the cree's and the dimmable driver is a little less efficient then the non dimmer version used in the blue whites).
Pran if you like I can get photos of different par38s that you can get off ebay. I've got some 6500k white only which would be the most common type you'd see. Most of the blue white ones are like my 18000k I would not recommend that type for discus or plants. Unfortunately the 14000k on the tank in the photos are a unique design so I don't think you'll be able to get them (the violet, royal blue, cool blue, red, green, cool white combo is not the best for freshwater anyway but it does work). hopefully this has given you some ideas on what you can do to light up your tank if you didn't want to sell a kidney for a conventional commercial led unit (I got quoted over $4000 for a maxspect mazarra setup for this tank, Great light, second to none, but no thank you!).
Sun Mar 22, 2015, 10:00 PM
Thanks all i am planning to go with 2 X Fluval Aqualife & Plant Performance LED with some anubias plants for now.
One more query regarding the background which colour will be good Black or Blue to show the colours of the Discus.
Mon Mar 23, 2015, 05:48 AM
both are fine, I like a black background but if you have any fish that are of pigeon blood origin it can exaggerate their "peppering".
if you want to keep pigeon based discus think about a lighter background and substrate.
Mon Mar 23, 2015, 08:55 PM
both are fine, I like a black background but if you have any fish that are of pigeon blood origin it can exaggerate their "peppering".
if you want to keep pigeon based discus think about a lighter background and substrate.
Thanks Illusn,
I am planning to keep red melons ,blue diamond ,Leopard Snake Skin and Super Chequerboard discuss.
thinking of black backgrounds.
Tue Mar 24, 2015, 12:24 AM
shouldn't be an issue, your melons will get black tails and black fins instead of clear, but this just makes them look even better!, try and get higher grade melons so the peppering is reduced.
watch your checkerboards, turquoise based will be fine, but some of the pigeon based ones haven't been as cleanly bred as the red melons.
Wed Mar 25, 2015, 06:38 PM
Hi All,
Please view the photos of the discuss where i am planning to buy this from a friend.Its total 19 discuss he got.Does this looks healthy and good?
The last picture is the breeding pair please have a look on them as well.
Comment please.
Thu Mar 26, 2015, 12:02 AM
some of those pigeons in the top pic look a little thin in the face
when looking for healthy discus remember they store fat in the head and cheeks
when viewed from above look for this
from the front look for full cheeks and a broad full head
Thu Mar 26, 2015, 01:20 AM
do i need to go forward with this by your opinion
Thu Mar 26, 2015, 05:45 AM
Up to you I'm afraid. I wouldn't, I'd buy some juveniles 2-3 inches max and grow them up. But I am VERY fussy with discus.
Also if you had a 6x2x2 (650L) I would not put more than 8-10 discus in there (max stocking density 1 fish / 50L but I prefer 1 fish to 80L).
At the end of the day its your tank and your call.
scott bowler
Fri Mar 27, 2015, 03:16 AM
Hey Jothy have you seen the led lighting that comes on a track you can remove the led pods , you can add more or take some out , it has red .blue and white . the extra pods come at a cost off around $8 . the light come in a 2ft 3ft and 4ft light , its they way to go if you have a tank , its a great idea and you can have more light at different points in the tank
hope everyone is well
Fri Mar 27, 2015, 04:33 AM
G'day Scott!,
mate you got a link?
scott bowler
Fri Mar 27, 2015, 06:37 AM
hey mate
they are from blue planet I have had a good look at them going to put them over my 6fter , but they only come in 4 ft so am working on a fix for that haha
Fri Mar 27, 2015, 09:01 AM
Yeah I'm Gonna need alot more punch than that light for my tanks lol.
Make sure you post pics when you get it setup.
scott bowler
Sat Mar 28, 2015, 06:57 AM
will do mate lol
Thu May 07, 2015, 10:02 PM
Hi all,
Posting the latest updates of my tank..:)20931
Need to add more plants.
Suggestions are welcomed
Fri May 08, 2015, 12:40 AM
not bat I'd cover that wood in anubias and javafern, and add a big sword to hide the filter intake.
Fri May 08, 2015, 03:21 AM
not bat I'd cover that wood in anubias and javafern, and add a big sword to hide the filter intake.
Thanks Illusn i will go for the anubias and then javafern.
big sword .. from where do i buy them?
Wed May 13, 2015, 04:53 AM
any LFS should have some for you, you want a bleheri, amazonicus or Cordifolius they all grow nice and big.
if your adventurous a green horemanni would be good but the thing might outgrow the tank.
Tue May 26, 2015, 04:27 AM
Hi All,
I got a problem with the filter intake my neon tetras got stuck in these and i lost 3 of them now.
I tried to tie with a net still it got trapped in this .
Is there any solution for this.
Thu Jun 18, 2015, 03:44 AM
Hi all ,
Added 3 new blues please comment2096820969
Thu Jul 02, 2015, 02:46 PM
Discus look great.
Id move your heaters further apart to get a better coverage.
What filter are you using? It shouldve come with a guard.
Thu Jul 02, 2015, 02:47 PM
Oh and the white plastic ring on the bottom of the heater can be taken off, its only put on there so that the heater doesnt move around in the box
Fri Jul 10, 2015, 12:20 AM
Oh and the white plastic ring on the bottom of the heater can be taken off, its only put on there so that the heater doesnt move around in the box
Thanks Nathan ,I am using a 2260 ehim canister filter.I will move the filter apart also the white rings in the bottom.
thanks for the info :)
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