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View Full Version : Greetings from Greece

Sun Mar 08, 2015, 11:42 AM
Greetings from Piraeus Greece.

I was looking around the internet about my favorite hobby which is aquariums and found your forum which is very interesting and decided to join.

I have a 400 lt (130lX50wX62h cm) main tank with a 200 lt sump (80X50X50cm) running for about 2 months as a discus tank. I have a total of 7 discus with 3 of them being young. I also have a school of 16 rummy nose tetras. The aquascape is consisted of roots, anubias, a fern and a philodendron which is acclimating to the aquatic environment

The water in Attica has a ph of 7.5 yet I use an R.O. and add Preis Discus Mineras. I currently have my kH at 4.2 and pH ranging from 7.2 to 7.6 (using my pH controller to monitor it).

I do an 80 liters water change every week. My NO3 level is at 20 and the water temperature is 28oC. I have a Pacific Sun Hyperion R2 2X150watt led light which I kept from my previous reef setup. It does a perfect job at the fresh water aquarium as well. It is set at 28 percent of its intensity at 7800 kelvin.

That’s all about me. I hope to learn and share with you experiences about the king of the Amazon river and have a good time! ;)

Mon Mar 09, 2015, 05:16 AM
Well that is a lot of information for a first post, but as you looking to "share with your experiences about the king of the Amazon river", your in the right place. Welcome to our community.
