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View Full Version : I’m Amazed

Wed Dec 10, 2014, 10:15 PM
This is my first time attempting to breed Discus and I can’t believe how resilient the parents and the fry are. These parents raise eggs to fry a couple of time in my larger tank only to have the fry disappear so I decided to give them a fighting chance by separating them into a smaller breeding tank. My first mistake was buying a cheaper second hand tank. The pair weren’t in the tank a week and had laid eggs and raised them to wrigglers (whatever you call them). Whilst working in my office opposite my tanks I heard water start to poor out of my breeding tank. The silicon had let go and water was pouring out of the tank. I quickly transferred my breeding pair back into my larger tank. After taking care of the water on the floor I decided to put the cone back into the larger tank so the bacteria stayed alive, not expecting for a minute that the fry would still be alive or attached to it. Not only did the fry survive being out of the water the parents immediately started caring for them again. I left them to it overnight and the next day I purchased a new tank. I decided to put the pair and the breeding cone back into the new tank as a knew the fry would not survive long in the larger tank anyway and I wanted to get the parents started again ASAP. I moved them over to the new tank fully expecting the fry to fall off or at best the parents reject them. How wrong was I, 24 hours later and they are still all going strong. I amazed.