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Sun Aug 31, 2014, 07:34 AM
Following on from my intro thread. I bought a 48x20x14 complete setup on eBay, came with tank, stand, hood, 2217, light, driftwood, plants. I then swapped out the stand and hood for another I found on gumtree.

Finally had the time today to clean it up and relocate from the garage into the dining room. I added some river sand, I also bought off gumtree, and topped it up with some Bunnings play sand. Don't know if I am 100% on the driftwood yet.

Plan is 20 cardinal tetras, a couple of bristlenose and 6 discus, planted with some swords. Inspiration is Mavzta's tank.


Sun Aug 31, 2014, 09:15 AM
Looking good mate. You must be pumped now it's inside the house!
Thanks for your kind words regarding my tank.
I bought some Anubis yesterday. I'm loving it! So are the fish...

Mon Sep 01, 2014, 12:27 AM
Looks great Mavzta.

I don't have the depth of your tank so I need to think carefully about driftwood/plant placement. Current thinking is to have the left hand side with high driftwood and high plants as an area for the fish to hide. The right hand side low driftwood and low plants for them to free swim, stretch their legs so to speak. Dunno if that is correct but seems logical to me.

I also have the filter intake on the left hand side and the spray bar on the right hand side pointing down. Thinking it will create a mild current/eddie for them. The heater is on the right hand side but that's the side you can see from the kitchen, so thinking of moving it to the left hand side. Again dunno if that is correct but seems logical to me.

Sun Sep 07, 2014, 06:37 AM
Tank is now full, the play sand has made the water very cloudy, I am hoping within a day or so it will be clear. The large piece of driftwood has decided to float so I need to wait for it to sink. Waiting on a shipment of Purigen and Flourish tabs to finish it off.


Tue Sep 09, 2014, 04:49 PM
It might be just me but it looks like it's missing something. More driftwood or rocks would make it look more 'natural'. Just my opinion

Wed Sep 10, 2014, 08:45 AM
Thanks Nathan, I am still not 100% on the driftwood either. I was hoping to find a long low piece to leave lots of free space for the discus to swim.

Fri Sep 12, 2014, 11:35 PM
I have noticed I missed some algae when cleaning the driftwood and there is some algae on the plants.

As I have no fish and haven't cycled the tank yet, any ideas on how to 'nuke' it?


Sat Sep 20, 2014, 06:37 AM
Purigen in the canister, tank replanted with flourish tabs, 50% water change, spray bar moved to horizontal from vertical, give it a day to clear and then time to cycle!

Sat Sep 27, 2014, 06:34 AM
Water is much clearer now. All levels going ok, cycle going well, I am using Stability as directed. I added some inhabitants, some bristlenose and cardinals to get the bacteria going.

Getting close to adding some discus, Sunnyside's shipment is in the country, now just a couple of weeks in quarantine, then they're ready for sale.




Sun Sep 28, 2014, 05:53 AM
Looking good! What sort of light do you have? How long you have it on for? Just Don't want to run into 'new tank syndrome' with Algae specially on that beautiful white sand. I definitely had problems with mine during establishment. Tank will look fantastic with discus, excited to see them!

Sun Sep 28, 2014, 07:17 AM
Thanks Nathan, I am running a plain old Aqua One single T8 40W unit. I have it on for about 4 hours per weekday and 12 hours per day on the weekend. I started to get some blackbeard but double dose of flourish every 3-4 days seems to have it under control and looks after the swords. Very low tech/low light tank :)

Fri Oct 10, 2014, 08:39 AM
Discus have been 'reserved' at the aquarium, final water test tonight. I know discus like acidic water, but is the pH too acidic?


Latest pic of the tank, that Purigen sure does a good job.


Sat Oct 11, 2014, 01:02 AM
The guys at Sunnyside said the pH is too low and I have some regulator to get it up a bit.

Therefore no fish today but I did pay a deposit and take some pics. I have 2 of each, sorry for out of focus phone pics.


Sat Oct 11, 2014, 08:51 AM
A 10% water change plus a teaspoon of Seachem pH Regulator and the pH is now bang on 6.4. I'll keep an eye on it next week and hopefilly next weekend it will be right for the discus.

Also moved the spray bar to the short edge. Due to the lack of width in the tank, flow is being minimised due to the hose connecting the spray bar and the outlet pipe is a little kinked. Any ideas for a better way of doing it? It has really dropped the current in the tank so I am happy with the outcome.


Tue Oct 14, 2014, 09:18 AM
A 10% water change plus a teaspoon of Seachem pH Regulator and the pH is now bang on 6.4. I'll keep an eye on it next week and hopefilly next weekend it will be right for the discus.

I have been playing with the pH over the last few days. I can get it to 6.4 with a small water change and adding some regulator however, in a day it is back at 6.0. Now in all the reading I have done about discus it says they can survive at this pH and it isn't so much about the level but the consistency of the level. Given my tank is consistently at 6.0 I am thinking should be ok. Thoughts?

Quote from http://www.sydneydiscusworld.com/discus-keeping-everything-you-need-to-know/
The main water parameters that must be maintained in a Discus aquarium are:
•Temperature: 28-31 degrees Celsius
•pH: 5.0-6.5
•Hardness: 3 to 10° dGH.
•Zero level of Nitrate

Sat Oct 18, 2014, 05:51 AM
6.0 is fine.. Stability is extremely important, as is the rate of change if you wish to adjust it. It must be done slowly over a period of a couple of days at best.

If your tank is stable at 6.0, then your fish will be happy.

Sun Oct 19, 2014, 08:52 PM
Discus are now investigating their new home...


Sat Oct 25, 2014, 07:50 AM
put the light on 6-8 hours a day everyday, specially you now have fish in there. rather then double dosing flourish when there becomes a problem its much better to try prevent it. i have mine come on at 1pm an go off at 9pm which is when im around the house the most

Sat Oct 25, 2014, 09:25 PM
Thanks Nathan, I really need to pull my finger out and program the light timer.

Is it just mine or are discus pigs when it comes to food? They are always hungry and really get stuck into their food. They're as bad as my son's goldfish.

Mon Oct 27, 2014, 01:56 AM
I am trying to add some new food into the discus' diet. They really go for the Tetra Color Bits and have no problem eating them as it sinks, or from the bottom of the tank. I tried them on some Aussie Blackworms this morning, stuck to the side of the tank as directed. They went mad for it when it was stuck to the tank but any bits that ended up floating they didn't eat. Is this a perseverance thing or is there a trick to getting them to eat the floating worms?

Thu Oct 30, 2014, 01:17 PM
thats a great sign that they are eating like crazy. They are beauties! if you have problems with them taking new food usually mixing it with some food they already take can help, with my bloodworms (frozen) i actually put them in hot water to defrost then add them slowly to make sure they get eaten and a huge chunk doesnt get stuck under plants, also very few float then. so try soaking them in a cup of water before putting them in the tank, should help resolve the floating.

let us know how you go with it

Sun Nov 02, 2014, 08:36 AM
I am too embarrassed to show a picture of the tank at the moment. I've been chasing a now you see it now you don't slightest Ammonia reading. I am now just using Prime to ensure it wasn't any of the discus trace, stability, clarity etc. I was also adding. The water isn't cloudy but it is full of 'bits', that's the best description I can come up with. I replaced the Purigen with Biozorb this weekend, did a vacuum and 20% water change yesterday and today. There is still 'bits' floating around in the water. The fish are doing well and it doesn't seem to bother them. One of the discus is hiding a fair bit but he doesn't have any outward signs of anything untoward. I plan to do a daily 10% water change and vacuum until I can get it under control. Plants are also covered in a white slimy ball like covering. I can only assume the tank wasn't 100% cycled with the cardinals, even though they were in for a month prior, and the discus pushed it over the edge.

Thu Nov 20, 2014, 10:01 AM
Latest pic with a new edition, a Forrest Flamingo Throwback.

I still have 'bits' in the water so I acquired a 2nd 2217 which I'll setup for fine filtration.


Sat Dec 13, 2014, 02:13 AM
Now running twin 2217s, install went fine except for a mouthful of fish tank water :(

Hopefully this clears up the 'bits' in the water as I added some fine filter wool to the new filter.


Sat Dec 20, 2014, 12:22 PM
its looking great. are you able to take a pic of the floating bits? and the slime on the plants?

It sounds normal for a new tank, youll likely if not already have had brown algae as well.

The second filter is a great idea, i think its best you got it anyway for a tank that size, will increase water flow and you dont need to stress to much about ammonia etc.

Sun Dec 21, 2014, 05:19 AM
This would have to be my all time favourite discus tank...


Sun Dec 21, 2014, 08:52 AM
Here you go Nathan, as my tank is today. I ripped out the air diffusers and air line as the fish are doing fine with just surface agitation from the filter outflows. Dusty slime on the plants appears to have cleared up now thanks to the 2nd filter. In fact I am surprised at the general cleanliness of the substrate since I added the 2nd filter. I used to vacuum heaps of big poops out of the tank, now there are minimal. They can't all be getting sucked into the filter...


Tue Dec 30, 2014, 12:00 AM
I added some river stones to soften the look of the tank


Also found this discus fish room video that is just nuts!

Tue Dec 30, 2014, 04:35 PM
Looking great. Might want to add some ottos, great with Algae films on plants and wood.

Tue Dec 30, 2014, 11:50 PM
Thanks Nathan, I was thinking about some Ottos. I have added some juvenile SAE so I'll see how they go. I also added some Sterbai's but the discus have taken a liking to their eyes and killed 2 of 5.

Sat Jan 10, 2015, 07:23 AM
Added some Blue Rams the other week, they liked the tank so much they decided to breed :)

Fry video click here (http://blkmav.com/fish/blueramfry.mp4)

Sun Jan 11, 2015, 11:18 PM
mate thats awesome!!!!! well done. its easy to get them to spawn but actually getting fry is a lot harder then people think you should be pumped.

Dont be surprised if they get eaten up though. Youve progressed miles from when you first started should be really happy with what youve created!

Mon Jan 12, 2015, 07:56 AM
Thanks Nathan, the fry didn't last the night however the wife has now agreed that I can keep the quarantine tank inside and turn it into a breeding tank :)


Mon Jan 12, 2015, 09:33 AM
youve converted her!! this is only the beginning!!!

Sun Jan 25, 2015, 06:07 AM
What a debacle of a day :(

Wife and son went out for the day so I was having some quality time with the tanks. Plan was to clean canister #2 in the discus tank, water change and give it a trim. I also planned to setup the quarantine tank and stick the anubias I bought to a piece of driftwood.

I found a nice piece of driftwood from Petbarn of all places, pressure washed it and had it drying along with the anubias in preparation for sticking them to the driftwood. All was going well until I heard that fateful snap when I took the impeller out of the 2217 powerhead. I knew I had snapped the ceramic shaft. No problem I'll use the spare. Bugger, I used the spare shaft and impeller when I refurbished the other filter. Emergency call to Coburg Aquarium and they had one. Jump in the car, grab shaft, return and put it back together problem solved. Unfortunately it was then I remembered I had the driftwood and anubias out drying off. The anubias had already started to shrivel up and wilt. I stuck them to the driftwood anyway and I am hoping for the best.

Moral of the story is, if you use your spare anything remember to replace it!


Tue Jan 27, 2015, 08:59 AM
Came home tonight to a sick looking discus. He sees to have some white skin hanging from his gills, any ideas what it is? Otherwise appears ok and they have been playing 'who's the boss' again.


Tue Jan 27, 2015, 09:26 AM
Not looking very happy. Maybe give it 24hrs and see how it is. It looks to me like you have only 5 fish? Maybe you need some more to spread the aggression. Just don't tell your other half that I told you to do it!

Tue Jan 27, 2015, 10:18 AM
Yep only 5 discus, they're normally ok, every now and then they have some biffo. I'll check in on him in the morning.

Wed Jan 28, 2015, 01:47 PM
possibly flukes? Id slowly increase the temp just in case it is an illness as a prophylaxis. keep us updated

Wed Jan 28, 2015, 10:32 PM
I initially thought flukes but that usually looks different, there's no redness or holes that I can see. Yesterday he was still swimming happily however a little dark and the skin piece had all but gone. I've been changing 20% of the water each night too. I might up the temp as you suggested.

Thu Jan 29, 2015, 01:17 PM
has it been acting strangely? scratching itself against wood or being skittish? If so id maybe lean towards it being the start of ich. Youve got a QT tank? maybe take him out and treat him in there just in case its something sinister that could spread.

whats the temp you keep them at the moment? Id slowly increase the temp, 1 degree per day

Thu Jan 29, 2015, 09:15 PM
Thanks Nathan, they're all swimming fine and acting normal, apart from the usual biffo every now and then. The white skin like bits have now gone however he is still a little darker than normal. I have been doing a 20% water change every night. Temp is 29 degrees, I might up it to 30 on the weekend. Is there a 'general purpose' medication I should dose the whole tank with?

Edit - I found this, looks to be a reasonable medication for the situation?
Broad spectrum medication for treatment of most common diseases in freshwater aquarium fish. Including white spot, fungus and fin rot.

Sat Jan 31, 2015, 04:29 PM
if hes improving id hold off on any meds. I always use meds as the very last resort and if you do its preferable to do it in a separate tank. Any pics?

Sounds like stress more then illness/ The white skin sounds like the fish has cut itself on something when darting away from aggressive neighbours

Sat Feb 07, 2015, 01:21 AM
Well what a week, going against my gut and taking the advice of an 'aquarium' I added the multi-cure to the tank. On the basis that whatever one fish had they would most likely all have it. That turned out to be a pretty dumb move. Whilst the fish are fine the tank was stained green, including sand, stones, water etc. I have been replacing 20% of the water every day and today did a major clean. I ripped all the stones out and the smaller piece of driftwood, it was amazing how much 'crap/food' was lurking underneath all that. Gave the sand a deep vacuum and ripped out any plant leaf that had algae on it. I replaced the stones with new stones and the driftwood with the piece from the QT tank, as I like it better and it just happened to be the same footprint. Pretty happy with the result, just have to wait for the water to clear now.


Tue Feb 10, 2015, 01:42 AM
hmm they look pretty stressed in this pic mate (dark purple colour). Id add some carbon to a filter if possible this will help remove any medication left over but make sure after 1-2 weeks you take it out and toss it. Tank is looking good otherwise.

if it aint broke dont try to fix it, your other fish wearnt showing any signs of illness so no need to dose the whole tank. Ah well lessons learned. keep us updated

Tue Feb 10, 2015, 08:34 AM
Thanks Nathan, they're actually not that dark, just a bad camera angle. I agree with the 'if it aint broke don't fix it' method. As I mentioned, I'll trust my gut next time not somebody who wants to sell me something...

Wed Feb 11, 2015, 11:02 AM
you could always come here if your unsure. It is unfortunate that 'salesmen' will give you advice which may not be beneficial just to sell something. We all learn these lessons one or another. At least when we share them on forums people can learn through other peoples mistakes haha

Sat Feb 28, 2015, 07:15 AM
I'm still chasing why the water is never crystal clear, so I did a big water change (70%) and driftwood pressure wash and swap. So far still cloudy, starting to get annoyed. With 2 x 2217 on a 200L tank the water should be perfect. Swapped the big piece of driftwood out, I am not a fan of the new piece so I'll swap it back tomorrow.

On the bright side I moved the heater to the LHS rear of thank, pretty happy with the less cluttered look.


Sun Mar 01, 2015, 04:00 AM
Swapped back to the original piece of driftwood after giving it a very comprehensive pressure wash. Also dosed the tank with Kusuri wormer plus.


Sun Mar 01, 2015, 11:13 AM
I'm still chasing why the water is never crystal clear

Could be a number of things from organic compounds to silt. Suggest you pop some purigen or macropore in one of your filters. Generally over a few days they'll have your water so clear you'll wonder if its still there :-)

Mon Mar 02, 2015, 08:37 AM
Thanks Ghoti, both 2217s have macropore in them...

scott bowler
Tue Mar 03, 2015, 04:09 AM
Hey jimstreet your water may not be clear might be because your feeding 4 times a day , if you are feeding with an auto feeder it would be flake or pellets , that could be doing it , have a look at changing the type of food or cut it back to twice a day and see if it gets better ,

Tue Mar 03, 2015, 07:07 AM
Thanks Scott, I'll cut back to twice a day feeds and see if that makes a difference.

Sun Mar 08, 2015, 10:49 PM
Cutting back the food to twice daily plus a frozen treat at night has helped with the water quality. Problem is now there is a heap of aggression as the discus are hungry.

I bought some brushes from eBay that were excellent for cleaning the filter hoses. Combined with media bags for the media, cleaning an entire canister filter, including hoses & inlet/outlet pipes, takes no time now.


Sun Apr 19, 2015, 07:51 AM
New aquascape is in the planning. Today I found 'the' piece of driftwood, I just need to work out how to wrangle it into the tank. I am taking inspiration from the tank in the picture below.


Sun Apr 19, 2015, 08:41 AM
Nice one. Look forward to it

Fri Apr 24, 2015, 07:47 PM
Very nice. It really looks like your water issues cleared up. They still behaving aggressively at feeding time?


Sun Apr 26, 2015, 06:11 AM
Hey Jason that pic above is of how I want my tank to look. I wish my tank looked that good :(

I was planning a big aquascape today with the new driftwood however I ran out of time, instead I used the Python to do a 70% water change. I only use the Python when I am doing big water changes as it wastes water, however it makes life so much easier as you don't have to lift numerous buckets. When the tank was filling I also used the normal vacuum and a bucket to remove further detritus the Python didn't get, worked really well. I filled the tank slowly over an hour and a half however being such a cold day the temp has dropped over 5 degrees. The discus are huddled over the heater, hopefully it doesn't take long to warm up.

Sun May 03, 2015, 09:22 AM
In preparation for the new driftwood I pruned the swords today removing any leaf that had algae on it. Still struggling with the 'bits' in the water...


Sun May 17, 2015, 05:16 AM
After the first piece of driftwood wouldn't fit into the tank, I managed to find a piece at Petbarn of all places today. I feel it needs to go about 3-4 inches to the right. I also plan to fill out the back with Val.


Tue May 19, 2015, 07:11 AM
That is a nice looking tank!
just wait till those swords grow in!

Tue May 19, 2015, 08:47 AM
Thanks ILLSUN, I'm not much of a 'aquascaper' just trying to keep it to the 'Amazon' theme. Would love to scape as a biotope, I just can't source enough of the right wood.

Tue May 19, 2015, 11:01 AM
no prob where abouts are you located and what type of wood are you after?

Wed May 20, 2015, 10:33 AM
absolutely in love with amazon theme ,i think the attraction is due to it's minimalistic approach ,as a matter of interest what is your sand ,it looks very white . Mine use to look as white as that but after 4 weeks it changed to grey due to algae. How do you keep it clean and white ?
Well done you must be very proud.

Sat May 23, 2015, 12:56 AM
Added some Val today, I am very happy with the result. The discus have take love it and like to hide in it. I didn't have enough to plant on the right hand side, I'll have to get some more.


Sat May 23, 2015, 12:58 AM
absolutely in love with amazon theme ,i think the attraction is due to it's minimalistic approach ,as a matter of interest what is your sand ,it looks very white . Mine use to look as white as that but after 4 weeks it changed to grey due to algae. How do you keep it clean and white ?
Well done you must be very proud.

Thanks sayid. The sand is just Bunnings play sand. I vacuum it twice weekly and that's about it. It doesn't seem to get algae on it but that could be due to the Sterbais always foraging in it.

Sun May 24, 2015, 08:17 AM
Added another large sword and some ottos


Sun May 31, 2015, 05:55 AM
Planted some more Val and added another 10 Cardinals to bulk up the school.

Only thing to do now is add some more sand to fill up the shallow areas and it is finished. Now if it would only stay the way it is :)


Tue Jun 09, 2015, 11:02 AM
Physio said no more lifting 20L buckets of water, solution is some 60L drums, trolley and an Eheim pump.



Sat Jun 13, 2015, 12:17 AM
A couple of new inhabitants last night, Forrest Alenquer Cross from Sunnyside. They're a little shy still but settling in well, no biffo yet.


Sat Jun 13, 2015, 10:07 PM
Looking good, he had some nice fish out at Sunnyside yesterday, store was really busy which was great.

Sat Jun 13, 2015, 10:28 PM
That's why I dropped in Friday night :)

Sun Jun 14, 2015, 04:40 AM
they look lovely ,how big are they ,it looks as they still have not coloured yet ,so you must have about 10 discus by now ,time to get a bigger tank ,ha ha, tanks looks great

Sun Jun 14, 2015, 05:53 AM
Thanks, they're about 3.5 inch and yep still haven't coloured up. Hoping to get a nice halo out of these guys. Total of 7 discus so that's fully stocked for this tank, actually it is probably overstocked if you use the 50L per adult fish measure. The issue with getting a bigger tank is bigger water changes. I'd love a 4x2x2 but the current tank is manageable so I'll run it for while.

Tue Jun 30, 2015, 01:45 PM
hey mate where did you get the 20l drum from? and what type of pump are you using exactly?

I just moved and need to adjust my water change method (plus carrying buckets is a pain!). is it working out alright?

tanks looking great buddy, youve come a long way should be really happy!

A mistake i have made and im sure plenty of other people have as well is going with a bigger tank and then finding your not able to manage the water changes, its really disheartening and you eventually sell it and lose a lot of money, definitely stick with the setup youve got if its working for you!

Tue Jun 30, 2015, 08:58 PM
Hey Nathan, totally agree on the tank size and water changes. I'd love a 4x2x2 but it would double my water change amount and that would be unworkable.

The 60L drums are from here http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/WATER-STORAGE-DRUM-60L-BRAND-NEW-Bayswater-Rosebud-/190903638267 I bought them at the Bayswater store.

The pump is an Eheim Compact 1002, I bought it from Nature Aquariums in Mont Albert. I could have bought a cheaper pond pump but decide to spend the extra $.

It is an expensive option but the convenience and not lifting buckets is worth it.

2 x Bunnos trolleys $40
2 x 60L drums $80
1 x Eheim pump $80
1 x Jager 150W heater $60
2m x 16mm hose $16
2 x 2.5m tie downs $10
1 x 5m extension lead and switch $20
2 x spring clamps $10
Total - $316

Sat Jul 11, 2015, 09:41 PM
Another tank shot after a big clean and trim last week


Sat Jul 18, 2015, 10:48 AM
I added some Indian Almond Leaves last week to see if I could get one of the recent Alenquer Cross additions to come good. Looks like I may have to setup the hospital tank as he just isn't very healthy.



His mate who was bought at the same time, from the same batch, living in the same tank


Tue Jul 21, 2015, 01:49 AM
I went away for a few days over the school holidays and due to the cold weather I discovered when I got back my heaters were not up to the job of keeping the tank constant. A lot of my fish when I got back looked exactly like the one you have posted above, gone very dark no colour almost black and to make matters worse they and the L number catfish had white dots, ich I believe, all over them.

I bought more heaters and cranked the heat back up and also treated for Ich three times with a water change after the second treatment. As of yesterday the fish are all looking much better and I can tell the different fish apart again. A couple still have a bit of cloudiness in the eyes but that also seems to be clearing up.

Don't know if this helps but if you haven't already at the very least perhaps try turning the heat up in the tank to at least 29 or 30 degrees. If your tanks already at that level then im not too sure.

Tue Jul 21, 2015, 08:01 AM
Interesting thought about the heat, I might up the heater a degree or two.

What did you use to treat the Ich?

Tue Jul 21, 2015, 09:52 AM
Wardleys ich treatment, needed a 250 ml bottle for one go

Sun Aug 02, 2015, 07:15 AM
Tank shot as it is today, after a water change and new Val (I melted the old Val with Excel)

I've also moved the 'sick' fish to a hospital tank. He has lightened up but won't eat. I am going to give him a few more days then medicate.


Fri Aug 07, 2015, 07:47 AM
The discus in the hospital tank is coming good, he's still only eating small amounts and is very timid.


Sun Aug 09, 2015, 05:16 AM
Any idea why one of my discus has started to continually 'peck' at the driftwood?

Fri Aug 14, 2015, 09:33 AM
Cleaning a spot for breeding?

Fri Aug 14, 2015, 10:08 AM
I thought that also, but he appears to have stopped it now.

Sun Aug 16, 2015, 08:41 AM
Amazing what a bit of TLC will do.

I moved him to a hospital tank, 30 degrees, IAL, daily 50% water changes with API Stress Coat, 1 dose of Blue Planet fluke and tape worm tablets.

1 month ago




Sun Aug 16, 2015, 04:01 PM
Man that is a big difference. It is like night and day.

Mon Aug 17, 2015, 02:11 PM
Having too much sand builds up lots of bacteria wich can cause big problems especially when you mix it up to clean it later you can kill all your discus message me for a great information video :)

Tue Aug 18, 2015, 03:30 AM
Very please to see the recovery. I feared he was a gonna!

Tue Aug 18, 2015, 08:32 AM
Agreed Ghoti, I thought he was gone too. The big test will be when he has to fight for food in the main tank. I plan to grow him out a bit longer in the hospital tank to give him a better chance of survival.

Tue Aug 18, 2015, 09:15 AM
agreed 100% you need to look after him in hospital tank a few more weeks,by the way what is IAL short for?

Tue Aug 18, 2015, 11:24 AM
IAL = Indian Almond Leaves

Sat Nov 14, 2015, 09:18 AM
A big rescape today


Sat Nov 14, 2015, 03:43 PM
But no pictures. ��

Sat Nov 14, 2015, 07:13 PM
Hmm, I can see the picture?

Sat Nov 14, 2015, 10:20 PM
I stand corrected. Guess I did not give my phone enough time to download the picture. Looks great. They really seem to like the tall plants.


Wed Nov 18, 2015, 02:33 PM
love your thread, recent post can really see the change and growth in your plants :thumb

Sun Dec 06, 2015, 04:52 AM
Big water change, plant prune and filter clean day. New plants have settled in well with minimal die back.


Sun Feb 28, 2016, 07:29 AM
I've decided to sell up, not in a hurry as I am looking for a good home and somebody who will take the lot, discus, main tank, hospital tank, stands, hood, light, drums, everything.

If you're interested PM me.