View Full Version : Discus parasite treatment by flagyl and daphnia?

Mon Jan 20, 2014, 01:04 PM
My discus has a parasite problem. I want to treat it by giving it daphnia that absorbed flagyl. I found all the information except the time span that I should keep daphnia in the water that I added flagyl. How much should daphnia be kept in flagyl added water?

Sat Jul 05, 2014, 01:12 PM

Another treatment for you to consider. There's a brand of products out there called "Huey Hung". There are various treatments etc. Its great stuff. If your fish are still eating, thaw a pack of store bought beef heart mix. Remove the foil (not fun, I use a trimming knife blade to open each cell) and put a small pinch of the med in each cube and mix with a skewer. Refreeze and feed as normal to ensure each fish gets a good feed. If they stop eating then read the directions and dose the right amount to the water. It uses a lot more of the med that way though. Either way you treat, its great stuff and HH is the best by far in my book,
