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View Full Version : Help on breeding

Tue Nov 12, 2013, 12:05 AM
Hey so I have a 100 gallon tank with 2 pairs of discus with 4 discus and 1 pair always breed and lay eggs like every 1-2 weeks or so they hatch than the fry stay alive for 2-5 days than die. I don't separate them because I cant atm any advice on how to keep them alive?

Tue Nov 12, 2013, 12:12 AM
btw temp is 84-86 ph is fine , water change every 2-3 weeks

Tue Nov 12, 2013, 03:47 AM
Are they being eaten by the other 2 discus as they become free swimming?

Free swimming occurs 2-3 days after hatching?
It usually takes a little while when they become free swimming to find the parents and 'latch on', during this time the parents are usually frantically trying to keep them together.

Best advice....get another tank for breeding...2ft cube or even 30x18x14 is better than nothing, though I wouldn't go anything smaller.
ebay is your friend, it really doesn't matter if its not the best looking tank so long as its functional.

I use 2nd hand tanks for breeding. When I get them I cut them apart, clean the glass properly and glue them back
together....new silicone, minimises the chances of accidental rupture.
Scratched glass is not a problem as I find that the breeding pair housed are usually happier when at least 3 sides are covered. I use foam sheet for that as it also helps by limiting the heat losses..saves money.

Other bit of advice.......10-15% water change daily.

Tue Nov 12, 2013, 07:25 AM
I mean the fry stay alive for that amount of days and usually the fry just stays on the glass