View Full Version : How to get discus to eat dried food???
Mon Sep 16, 2013, 01:53 AM
Hi folks all, my 7 juvenile discus (in a 6ft tank) have become so used to having fresh worms, defrosted shrimp, defrosted beef heart, defrosted worms that they refuse dried food. I have some spectrum I want to give them but they just bypass it.
I thought I might just feed the dried food every day for a week or so (plus add cucumber, courgette a couple of times a week) until I can get them to eat that and then give them fresh worms, defrosted beef heart, shrimp etc a couple of times a week instead of every week. However, I'm really afraid I might make them I'll if they don't eat.
Has anyone had any success converting discus to a different food and could anyone give me advice/ideas on how to do this please?
How often should they be having beef heart, shrimp, worms etc each week?
Many smiles and thanks,
Mon Sep 16, 2013, 08:06 AM
Its a bit like my kids...they happily pass up broccoli in favor of ice cream. :)
I'd suggest you don't feed them for three or four days, then offer the dried food.
Mon Sep 16, 2013, 09:02 AM
Thanks Ghoti. That won't harm them at all? I know discus can be absolute naughtiest for not eating and I'm a bit worried.
Tue Sep 17, 2013, 06:30 AM
Must have posted twice somehow? Edited out the double up
Tue Sep 17, 2013, 06:34 AM
Hi Ziggy,
I've found when I have spoiled my Discus with a lot of live black worm in the past that some will turn there nose's up at the usual regular food for a while. Certain fish, sometimes weeks, hoping the live worm returns. They will come around though. Just be strong and don't be tempted to feed them their favourites out of concern for them not eating for a few days or a week etc. If you are putting quality food into the tank and they are not eating it then they are just being fussy and definitely not starving. They will come around after a while.
I use to worry when starting out with my Discus if I was out all day and my fished missed a feed. But my wife reminded me that in the wilds of the Amazon there isn't a guy coming around three times a day feeding all the fish. : )
I have a breeding pair that when they are on eggs etc and then caring for the fry will eat virtually nothing for a couple of weeks. They don't seem to lose condition or suffer any ill effects from it. I actually would drop some live black worm in the tank to tempt them but they rarely touched it. Being a live food that just sat there and didn't foul the water was good. I have found that the strongest, largest Discus that I have are the ones that are less fussy eaters. The ones that after a while get accustomed to the new foods and get stuck in the quickest. Your Discus will all eat at different rates and grow at different rates.
I feed frozen blood worm and a beef heart/prawn/vegie mix, (both shop bought) three times daily, mainly, with also a quality Discus dry pellet to help with the roughage. This works for me and mine.
I read somewhere recently that Discus that are being introduced to high protein foods such as the beef heart/prawn etc for the first time should be done slowly as often there are digestion issues from possibly not having a large enough amount of the correct enzymes/bacteria to break it down/process it. Sounds like your guys though have been handling it just fine. You will probably find that they will grow better with a reasonable amount of the meats in a balanced diet. Merrilyns beef heart recipe is a good one on the site here if you want to make your own. I use to make it, now to busy.... lazy perhaps : ) A good way to save some money though as can get expensive.
Like you, I also put cucumber in my tank, but its for my bristlenose cat fish etc. I find my discus hardly touch it? Do yours eat very much of it or the courgette?
Be strong! They will come around : )
I love the quote under your posts.... very true!
Tue Sep 17, 2013, 08:46 AM
Thanks so much for that, very much appreciated. I'll stay strong and get them onto a more varied diet that nucleus the pellets.
The cucumber and courgette and pumpkin are really for the peppermint bristlenose but the discus will often come in and nibble too.
Thanks heaps,
Wed Sep 18, 2013, 03:30 AM
Off topic...but how do your BN go with your Discus?
I've heard it said that the BN can attach to the Discus sides, bite and introduce infections. I never noticed that with mine , but separated them as a precaution.
Now short on tank space so thinking of bringing them back together...
Wed Sep 18, 2013, 06:33 AM
Hi Ghoti,
for me I have had no problem with my Bristle Nose but have had issues with other cats before. I had a Gold Spot pleco that was young and when about 12cm starting harassing the fish for an easy feed on their slime coat, so moved him on (They get too big anyway for me). I have a Royal Whip Tail pair that give it a try every once in a while/rarely, just get flicked straight off by the Discus and as they are not persistent, doesn't seem to bother them. My BN hang near the floor of the tank pretty much all the time and my Discus hang in the higher water of a 750cm high tank so don't mix to much except when feeding or resting at night.
I don't see the tell tale rings that I saw with the Gold Spot when he was sucking the slime coat so dont seem to have an issue with the fish sucking on their sides that I've noticed.
All fish are different though, I'd reintroduce and see how you go. I had not heard of them biting before, just that sometimes cats will suck the slime coat? Causes stress due to harassment mainly I think.
My BN's are a big part of my clean up crew as well as the Cory's so hopefully things don't change. I have had the Bn's in with the Discus for roughly three years and all fish are adults if that helps.
It seems the smaller the cats the less hassle they are. I'd love some L046 Zebra Plecos as are small and stunning, just so expensive though.
Wed Sep 18, 2013, 09:25 AM
I have a peppermint bristlenose, a royal whip tail and clown loaches in with the discus in my 6ft tank and everyone gets on really well. There's even a very placid female angel who schools with my discus. The peppermint keeps very much to himself and never bothers the discus and while the clown loaches can be a bit boisterous on occasions, the discus seem to cope very well with them and hold their own. :)
Thu Sep 19, 2013, 01:34 PM
Thanks Hooked & Ziggy.
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