View Full Version : Treatment of Flukes & Worms
Thu Mar 28, 2013, 09:28 AM
I have recently purchased 6 x Adult Discus from Nick at Sydney Discus World. I returned 1 within a week as it had a major worm issue. I have heard of other people who purchased from there say their Discus all had worms too. I purchased today on the internet Aquamaster Fluke Tablets AND Big L Poultry Wormer however they will not arrive til mid next week due to Easter. Tonight I have noticed 1 of my remaining 5 Discus had a small white thing on its side which looks like a worm, an hour later it was gone but it concerns me that if it was a worm it is now in the tank and more importantly the other discus are also probably infected. I purchased the worming products as a preventative but just concerned I will not be able to medicate til the medication arrives probably next Wed or Thurs. Is it safe to wait a week once you are aware the fish has worms? Appreciate some advice?
Wed Apr 03, 2013, 08:39 AM
Don't bother with all the tablets for fluke. Low success rate and will most likely return. I found a good way to remove them completely and safely is with a very low ph and high temperature. Works great for most bugs. Cost nothing expect power and phosphoric acid. Little chance of death and less stress than meds.
Ph 5.2
Temp 34-35
Keep that for 10 days and you will find fluke gone gone gone. Never to return unless you introduce again. Always good to heat treat new fish with low ph while in qt.
Also remember to low ph and rise temp slowly over 3-4 days.
Good luck.
Discus Planetarium
Wed Apr 03, 2013, 09:09 AM
Discus Planetarium is now the Australian Distributor for Kusuri Wormer Plus,over the years i have tried many worming products and i believe wormer plus is the best on the market have a look in the classifieds under kusuri wormer plus...
Please don't play with your ph by lowering ph it will not kill worms but it may kill your fish..
Wed Apr 03, 2013, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the advice - I will check out Kusuri Wormer Plus. I really dont want to adjust the pH down anymore than I already do. My tap water is 7.6 and I am using Seachem Discus Buffer to adjust to 6.4 which I was told is same as what they were bred on and same as shop.
Wed Apr 03, 2013, 11:00 PM
I have just finished a round of Gill and wormer using Aqua. I plan to try the Kusuri next as i have used all the Aqua.
pH wise, i struggled with pH for months and months. 2 weeks ago i forced myself to buy a CO2 kit. Slowly adjusted down to 6.4 over 4 days. Once i was at 6.4 within 3 days i had a pair starting the motions of spawning. Last night i had eggs!!
CO2 may have cost a bit to get, but i believe long term buffer cost and stress will pay off in the end.
Sat Apr 13, 2013, 04:09 AM
I have only been keeping discus for 3.5 yrs and have only ever used Kusuri and recently Big L and have never had a problem. can't say if its luck or management.
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