View Full Version : 4x2x2 planning stages
Mon Mar 18, 2013, 03:32 AM
Hey guys
I'm starting to gather info on what I'll need for my discus tank
It's going to be a 4x2x2 so roughly 400litres
I plan to have 8-12 discus in there and around 40-50 tetras
Will the above fish be okay for starters?
Equipment I have been thinking of using
Eheim2260 canister 2400lph
Aquis 500lph canister for added flow and filtration
2eheim 300 w heaters
Tune 6015 1800Lph for added flow if needed
Fluval plant stratum and river gravel for the substrate
What are everyone's thoughts?
Mon Mar 18, 2013, 04:41 AM
Adult discus require 40 litres of water minimum per fish. 50 is even better.
Based on that I'd aim for 8 adult discus maximum (along with your tetras). You could start with 10-11 juvies and grow them out, as you'll probably lose about two in the process.
Also remember substrate is going to displace a lot of water, so you might only have 350 litres of water in the tank after gravel. - Are you planning to have any plants? if not i'd go barebottom (easier to clean), or go with a sand substrate (again, easier to clean).
I would not put the tunze pump in, discus dont need or particularly enjoy high flow. Instead perhaps opt for another filter- can never have enough filtration.
I'm not sure what type of filter the aquis is? - is it hang on the back? I've found HOB's pretty useful when feeding frozen food, means i dont have to bother defrosting, and I just hold the frozen cube under the waterfall and the warm water quickyl defrosts it and disperses it for all the fish.
Heating seems good.
Mon Mar 18, 2013, 05:35 AM
Ok I'll stick with 10 discus
I was going to make 2 30x30cm "pots" and put the plant stratum inso I can have some swords and crypts and then I can go Bretton everywhere else
also have some driftwood with anubias
Ok I won't use the tune pump
The Aquis is an older canister filter
Mon Mar 25, 2013, 10:02 PM
After some more research I'm wondering if a eheim 2217 would suffice
I'm now looking at the tank being barebottum and have plants growing on the driftwood
The only reason for changing filter is cost (2217 for $80 or 2260 for $250) and I'm not the richest man around
Mon Mar 25, 2013, 11:33 PM
Sat Mar 30, 2013, 05:18 AM
I've got a 4x2x2 with 2X 2217s. They're pretty awesome, I've had no problem keeping the water clean with regular water changes.
I don't really know anything about the 2260 but I think the best question to ask would be "how easy is it to clean/maintain?" If something is hard to clean, you'll do it less regularly and your discus will suffer.
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