View Full Version : discus disharmony!

Mon Feb 25, 2013, 04:49 AM
Hi all well i joined this site a while back after purchasing a pair of discus just in case i ran into any problems and needed help.Low and behold here i am in need of the help mentioned above,My male has recently began attacking the female very aggresivly to the point where he is marking her slimecoat.This has only just begun in the last 2 or 3 days and i cant seem to figure out why? He has always been a little aggresive toward her but never like this. I have taken him out of the breeding tank to give her a bit of a break(thinking that when i put him back in a few days this may change the balance of power ie him being put into her environment) If this doesnt work im hoping for some ideas of you guys.(they have bred recently but these fry are now 6 weeks old and living happily in there own tank)Anyhow thanks in advance for any help or ideas you may have :D Jeff. PS sorry for punctuation and grammer ?[/b]

Mon Feb 25, 2013, 12:22 PM
How big is the tank they're in? Possibly the dimensions are not best suited to discus? I high tank would be preferable.

You could perhaps try adding an ornament, be it a breeding cone, piece of driftwood, fake plant, which could divide up the tank a bit, provide some more established territory, and assist the female with avoiding the male a bit more.