View Full Version : In a jam - not familiar with the disease my fish has

Sun Feb 10, 2013, 12:54 PM
extremely upset and not sure what to do. I can visibly see a problem in the tank and don't know how to approach it. If looked through the forum and google and still not sure what it is. It looks like 5 out of 10 diseases all look the same.

In the Tank:

3 Discus
2 Angels
2 Corey Cats
2 German Rams
10 Cardinal Tetras
4 Male Guppies

(That was nearly a Month ago!)

since last week i literally lost a tetra a day till yesterday

4 days ago i noticed both Angels breathing heavy and coming up to the top for what looked like air. Believe me theres plenty of air in the damn tank. its a 55gal with an air pump suitable for a 400gal tank. Anyway did a 20% water change and the next morning found one angel stuck to the filter intake

next day i bought a couple live plants from my local pet store, all seemed ok.

Yesterday i came in from work and saw all 3 of the discus i have on the top left corner of the tank. one seems to have some fin rot clearly visible. another looks like if he was stressed no other visible side affects, and the 3rd is whats confusing me. he looked as if he had a pimple and within a few hrs it turned into an open wound. its located just before the rear fin

please, and help would be appreciated

ph is 7-7.2
never tested for anything else in my other tanks(never had to) so any pointers or advice would be great. Tried to take a few pics but the glare wouldn't let it focus 100%, i apologize for the poor quality

Mon Feb 11, 2013, 12:03 AM
G'day mate,

I have a feeling that your problem has initially started as a filtration problem which is now stressing you fish and leading to further diseases.

What type of filtration do you have on the tank and did you "cycle" the tank before adding the fish?

The fin rot could just as easily be ammonia burn and ammonia is highly toxic to fish. If your tank is still in the process of cycling they may also be exposed to nitrIte, again highly toxic to fish.

Your pics have not come up on the thread. Nd without further information it is not easy to give you any ral advise.

