View Full Version : Egg grate in substrate

Wed Jan 23, 2013, 03:57 AM
Hi all,Using egg grate in substrate to sit holey rocks on.Using crushed/coral sand as substrate,placing it in & around grate then rocks on top of it as to avoid pressure points from rocks on bottom of tank.Has anyone tried this if what problems if any did they encounter,I.e build up in substrate ect.
This is going to b a African cichlid tank.so any advice appreciated thanks.

Wed Jan 23, 2013, 04:01 AM
Sorry this should've been posted it the rift lake section if mods can move. thanks.

Wed Jan 23, 2013, 06:05 AM
As long as you put substrate in amongst the crate you should be fine - otherwise nitrogenous pockets are likely to form, if there are large air pockets.

Nitrogenous pockets are not necessarily bad, depending on how deep your substrate is. It is common in marine tanks to install jaubert cavities in the gravel using egg crates to naturally remove nitrogens, but with marine you get a lot more bugs and worms crawling through and stirring the substrate so it doesnt remain dead still.

You will need to consider whether any of your fish will dig burrows in the substrate as well - potential for hurting themselves on the egg crate and/or unearthing nitrogenous pockets.

Personally, it just seems easier to not use egg crates but up to you.

Wed Jan 23, 2013, 11:57 AM
why not use 10mm styrofoam under your rocks?
much easier.