View Full Version : Can you confirm this as hex?

Fri Jan 11, 2013, 06:08 AM
Come home from just over a week away. Have had a lot of problems over the previous weeks/months treating what I think is hex. Thought I had got rid of it only to come back to this

Age of fish, and how long you've had them.
Had new discus since Nov, older discus July 2012

Tank size - is it newly set up or established, and the tankmates.
600l established, 3 bn 3 panda corys. 8 discus

Symptoms - describe as fully as possible and include how long they've been showing these symptoms.
Thick white poo, not eating, slight stress bars. Discus in question is Eruption from Nov

Eating or not - and colour of droppings.
Not eating, white poo

Can someone confirm for me that this is hex? And confirm the dosage rate of metronidazole for 600l please?
Thanks in advance

Fri Jan 11, 2013, 09:03 PM

Sat Jan 12, 2013, 02:00 AM
looks like it bely looks sunken as well, add metro to food at 1g/100g if the fish is still eating

Sat Jan 12, 2013, 04:40 AM
won't take medicated food, or food in general. Commenced metro bath @ 250 mg per 50 l. Hoping to see some signs of improvement because I am coming close to banging my head against the wall

Sat Jan 12, 2013, 11:45 AM
Correct dose is 250mg per 10ltr, and then do a 50% wc 48 hours later and repeat for a total of 3 treatments, your better off putting fish in to a hospital tank so it doesn't cost you to much on metro. I have just treated a fish in 40 ltr tank.

Sun Jan 13, 2013, 04:36 AM
I would have moved them into my spare tank, but thanks to my husband it now has green terror juvies in it. Have dropped water level to 250 litres and will increase rate of dosage as of tomorrow. As I am treating eight near adult discus I'm not dropping the water lower then that just to save a few bucks. Thanks for the corrected rate Axl.

Mon Apr 01, 2013, 09:47 AM
Hex I find is see through. More clear than white poo. Are you sure you don't have a worm problem?