View Full Version : Proposed discus diet = ONLY veggie wafers?
Wed Dec 12, 2012, 06:07 AM
My tank is relatively new, I started feeding a combination of Discus pellets and Veggie Wafers (for the Bristlenoses)...
At current the Discus eat 99% only veggie wafers (they absolutely LOVE them), I've found a few topics about Discus eating these wafers and the general consensus is it's good in addition (to have variety) to other foods, but they don't eat other food...
I'm going away on holiday for a few weeks, and have got an automatic fish feeder for when I'm away.
What do you guys (and gals) think about feeding them ONLY Veggie Wafers as a staple diet?
I've been using Aqua One Vege Wafers.
My tank:
1 Large Blue Snakeskin ~12cm
2 Small Pigeon Bloods ~5-6cm
4 Neon Tetras
6 Small Bristlenoses ~3-4cm
1 YoYo Loach ~7cm
Fri Dec 14, 2012, 02:56 AM
Any thoughts?
Fri Dec 14, 2012, 04:46 AM
Not sure what you are asking...
- As a staple diet, period.
- As a staple diet, but only for a "few" weeks, however long that may be.
I'm only a newby myself, so the advice I offer is with that caveat.
I would say as a long term diet its a big NO. I believe they need protein, vitamins and amino acids from flesh (e.g. blackworms, beefheart, discus formulated dry food etc) in order to remain healthy.
For a week or two healthy discus would comfortably survive unfed, so the veggie wafers would be OK but less than ideal.
Personally I'd recommend something like Sera Discus Granules in the feeder as they provide a good staple diet for the discus and being a sinking granule will also provide for your bristlenoses.
Fri Dec 14, 2012, 06:51 AM
Sorry, I'll clarify.
I'm going to feed them ONLY vege wafers for 4 weeks, from today. (resulting in the discus eating only vege wafers for 5 weeks)
After those 4 weeks, I'm going to start feeding them a variety of frozen (thawed) food, bloodworms, Discus pellets and vege wafers...
Sat Dec 15, 2012, 03:58 AM
Will be ok for a few weeks while your away most vegie wafers have >30% protein <15% fibre so you wont have any issues other than the lack of fat
Sat Dec 15, 2012, 04:22 AM
Have you got someone who can come check or do a water change while your away? We just came back from abeing away to find my canister had failed a few days in and my fish were swimming in pea soup.
Sat Dec 15, 2012, 11:31 AM
Ok cool, thanks guys, yeah our neighbor is checking them twice a week, he'll also siphon out poo etc and change a bucket of water...
What a legend :D
Thu Jan 10, 2013, 09:02 PM
Final update.
Came back from holidays,
the discus are fine, all looking healthy and happy.
Other notes:
4 neons died (but I beleive 2 died the morning we came back), so we have only 1 left :( but not a big deal
All tank parameters are perfect! :)
Thanks all
Consider this topic solved and closed
Fri Jan 11, 2013, 01:09 AM
Pleased it all went well.
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